I love a good challenge, so when I was asked if I could make a list for $100 I was in! Here were some of the choices for the challenge: Feed … [Read more...]
Getting Our Camping Gear at Canadian Tire #cbias
Our family loves camping. One of my favorite memories of my husband's first year in Canada was the camping trip we took. Seeing my husband tackle … [Read more...]
Earth Day is Everyday with DK Books
With Earth Day just past is is easy to move on with our lives and not think about the environment and the world around us. But, earth day is everyday … [Read more...]
Grow Your Yoga
Grow your yoga: May 1 - 30, 2013 I'm not sure about you, but yoga is one of my favorite ways to relax, center my body and be in the moment. There is … [Read more...]
Parental Guidance Movie Review
Tonight was movie night at my house. So nice to have a chance to hang out with my husband and watch a movie uninterrupted. We had received … [Read more...]