Being a mom is the only experience I have ever had that has taken me through such a roller coaster of emotions. Joy, laughter, love, frustration, anxiety, fear, anger, sadness and excitement. Each day brings new challenges, experiences and joys. I wouldn’t trade it for anything, but these are the ten things I with I’d been told about being a mom.
10 Things No One Tells You about Being A Mom
1. Your heart will forever be full of equal parts love and worry. While you want your children to be happy and independent you worry about how they are doing in school, their interactions with other kids, whether they ate they lunch or got scared by someone or something. Even though I was not a worrier before children, I do lay awake at night now thinking about things that I have little to no control over, all the time.
2. You will long for your life pre-kids from the moment you bring your newborn home. You will miss your friends, sleep, reading, watching TV and going out without having to undertake a process as complex as a military manoeuvre.
3. You wouldn’t go back to your life pre-kids, not even for a minute. Well, maybe a minute, but not any longer. The joy and heartache you feel as a parent is so all consuming that you know this was exactly what you were meant to do.
4. You will eat food off of your kids’ plates standing up in the kitchen more often than you’d like to admit. You might even consider wiping your child’s nose with your hand, or various other gross things you were never contemplate before.
5. Your relationship with your spouse will change dramatically. Not just in the way you interact with each other, but in every single way. Your parenting roles comes first and sometimes that causes problems you could have never imagined.
6. You will catch vomit in your hands often. As someone who is terrified of bodily fluids I can tell you that I never imagined I would deal with my children being sick as well as I have.
7. New releases of children’s movies are more exciting for you than your children. I am looking forward to the new Planes movie this summer and my boys don’t even know it’s coming out. Not only do I know I will love the movie, but taking the boys will be such a special and fun outing.
8. You will seriously doubt that you ever knew anything. Becoming a parent is the most humbling experience of my life. All of the books, the University degrees and the life experience could not prepare me for the millions of questions and decisions I have every single day. I can read books, seek out answers and find experts but in the end when it comes down to it, it is just me making decisions that I hope will not permanently ruin my children.
9. You will become that annoying person that only wants to talk about your children. Mainly because you don’t have time for other interests, but more because you are so in awe that you created this remarkable beings.
10. You will become the best version of yourself because that is who you want your children to see. The excuses you made before about your health, your diet, your choices are not magnified by children who depend on and look up to you. You will be reminded that you are their role model more often than you’d like to admit and you will seek to find ways to live up to that.
But most of all, you will laugh, you will cry and you will be the better for it. Children truly are life’s change agents.
To all those mama’s out there sending you a big hug and a bucket full of patience.
I always said that I would not be that mom that picked food off of her kids plate, guilty – I do it all the time!
Lori at Frugal Edmonton Mama recently posted..Delicious, Five Minute Creamy Chai Latte Ice Pops
I know! it’s so funny the things we do that we say we never would!
Well said lady! And I have to agree, it’s shocking the amount of gross things I’ve done for my children, mostly involving bodily fluids….. yuck.
Deanna T. (@MapleLeafMommy) recently posted..Sister Love {Wordless Wednesday}
ewww – I know! The worst!
Kerrie @ Family Food and Travel recently posted..Tequila Lime Shrimp
I love this! ALL of it is so true! I honestly never thought I would pick someone elses nose. For real.
Elizabeth L recently posted..Easy Homemade Baby Food with The Blendtec Designer 725 Blender
Yes! I know!
Kerrie @ Family Food and Travel recently posted..Tequila Lime Shrimp
An excellent post! Loved it :)
Thank you Paula :)
Kerrie @ Family Food and Travel recently posted..Tequila Lime Shrimp
Oh my gosh! SO true! Thanks for this post! LOVE!!! It’s all so true. I too have never thought I’d ever pick someone else’s nose! ;)
Christine recently posted..Gearing up for BBQ Season with Summer Fresh Sauces! #FreshSauces Twitter Party!
Vomit in my hands, hair even on my face :( And Your relationship with your spouse will change dramatically, is so true. Sometimes better, sometimes not. But either way much harder
Gingermommy recently posted..Bissell Multi-Surface Expert Review
Omg this list is so so true. I have a few of these on my mommy list post as well. Love the one about kids movies, it’s so true I get more excited than the kids do.
jodi shaw recently posted..Mother’s Day Events in Fraser Valley 2014
Oh yes! kids movies are my fav :)
I cannot relate to number 2, but the rest are spot on for me. #7 made me laugh out loud! So true!
Janice recently posted..Quick Snack or Breakfast: Stonyfield Organic Yogurt Pouches
So, what kids movie are you most looking forward to this summer ;) ?
Kerrie @ Family Food and Travel recently posted..Tequila Lime Shrimp
You could almost title it “parent” and not just mom. Dads feel this way also!
Scott recently posted..Philanthropic Friday: ALS
Great list, I don’t have kids at the moment so nice to see your view!
Kelsey Apley recently posted..FREE Mother’s Day Zoo Admission at over 60 Zoo’s around the globe!
LOL. Very true. Definitely good for a giggle.
Ellen Christian recently posted..Advertising in the Classroom
You are so spot on with these Kerrie! The one about being more excited for children’s movie new releases is sooooo me!
Kristen @ My 3 Little Kittens recently posted..Family Guide to Enjoying Local Pools and Splash Pads
Having a kid scares the crap out of me! LOL Just listening to my mom friends, I know this post is legit!! That quote is great, too.
Jennifer Soltys recently posted..Hey Chicago – SELF Magazine Workout In the Park is back
What a great list and so true! Especially the vomit catching, lol! This is awesome for new parents or people considering!
Dawn Lopez recently posted..Special Simple® Skin Care Offer & $50 Walgreens Gift Card Giveaway
Nothing in life completes me more than being a mother. I am totally 100% fulfilled by it.
Liz Mays recently posted..Gift Ideas for Mother’s Day #eBayMom
I love this!!!! Nothing is as great as being a mother to my daughters!
kristin recently posted..Win A Free Night Stay With Omni Hotels & Resorts
I totally agree. So many things you can’t imagine until you have kids. There is not a day that goes by that I’m not so happy I chose to have my 3!
Heather @ It’s a Lovely Life! recently posted..Pampers® Mother’s Day Celebrates All Mom’s
This is spot on. There is nothing better in the world though, babies really do bring out the best!
Right!! But all in all, I wouldn’t trade being a Mom for anything else in this world.
Marina recently posted..Calling All Thomas & Friends Moms!(This weekend only:HOT #ThomasMom Promotion!!)
Love being a mom. And I really like your list! As the girls get older, they are 14 and 16, I just appreciate what we have and love everything they share with me.
Tara recently posted..Walking the Green Carpet: Million Dollar Arm Premiere at El Capitan
Motherhood is the hardest job ever! There is no book that could ever prepare you for what is to come~
Mama to 5 BLessings recently posted..Share Your Giveaways @ Super Saturday Link Up Linky)
This is such a true post. Although there are definitely trials that come with having kids, they’re such a blessing.
Pam recently posted..Salted Caramel Ice Cream Recipe (Gluten Free)
What a great post and these things are so true about motherhood. I have that quote on the wall in my office!
Stacie @ The Divine Miss Mommy recently posted..C. Wonder Fabulous Mother’s Day Picks ~ Get 30% Off #CWonderMothersDay
I loved reading this ! so true about motherhood ! <3