*I have teamed up with Reactine Canada this allergy season. I have been compensated for this post but as always, all opinions are my own.
Allergies are a fact of life for many people. Allergies make me and my family feel horrible. Do you feel run-down, irritated, annoyed and foggy-headed? Did you know these might be a result of allergy symptoms? Allergies make us feel miserable and it’s time to bring some awareness to what it’s like to suffer from allergies.
I can’t remember a time in my life when I didn’t have allergies. I’m sure there must have been, but for me, allergies have been a part of my daily life for many years. While I know some just suffer from seasonal allergies, for me, I’m allergic to things that I come into contact daily so I live with allergy symptoms every day. Dust, mould, dogs, pollen, scents, evergreen trees, grass and hay are just a few of the things that get my eyes watering, nose itchy and the sneezing begins. Do you know what the common allergy symptoms are? Check out this list:
Common Allergy Symptoms
- Itchy, watery eyes
- A runny nose and sneezing
- Nasal congestion and stuffiness
- Itchy nose and throat
- Allergic skin itch
- Hives
How do you treat these? I treat them with Reactine because it helps me manage these symptoms and one dose lasts for 24 hours. I take Reactine every morning as a proactive measure to help me combat my allergy symptoms. Without it, I’m a sneezy, runny nose, itchy-eyed mess. I can take my dose and continue on with my day. It’s ideal for this busy working mama.
This weekend my boys and I took a walk and enjoyed the sunshine. It was so great to get outside and play amongst the first signs of Spring. From a run-off stream to the lake the boys focus on mucking about in the water placing rocks and sticks to see how fast they could travel. It was exploration and wonder mixed with some great muddy fun.
Years ago I would have shied away from this type of activity. I would have seen it as a prime environment for outdoor allergies like snow mould, grass and pollen. While this is all true, knowing that I had already taken Reactine® so my allergy symptoms were at bay.
It’s Time For An Allergy Emoji
Want to send an emoji to your friends that really describes how your allergies make you feel? Having a particularly bad day with your allergies? It would be fantastic to express your feeling with a custom Allergy Emoji. Reactine Canada is petitioning Unicode for the first Allergy Emoji so that we as allergy sufferers can share how we feel and commiserate with each other. Sound great? We have three steps to make this happen:
- Share your story with the hashtag #AllergyFeels
- Tag @ReactineCa
- Sign the Change.org petition now: https://bit.ly/2qN2PIg
We can’t wait to share more about our #AllergyFeels on social media and here on Family Food and Travel through our partnership with Reactine Canada.
Disclosure: This post has been sponsored by Reactine. As always all of my opinions are my own.
Amy says
I think it is great that there are products out there to help people with allergies. My seasonal allergies have already started up.
Kerrie @ Family Food and Travel says
It seems they are always worse in the Spring!
Scarlet says
Allergy symptoms are really hard to deal with! It is great that Reactine helps manage symptoms with one dose that lasts for 24 hours. One less think to have to remember throughout the day!
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Janis says
I’m one of the unlucky ones who has seasonal allergies and spring is the toughest time of year for me. Good to know about products like this that can help minimize the symptoms so I can enjoy the outdoors and warmer weather more.
Kerrie @ Family Food and Travel says
Reactine has truly made all the difference for us
Melissa Chapman says
I am lucky I don’t have allergies and neither do my kids but so many people are affected and this medication is so helpful. I will share this helpful medication with people with allergies.
Sherry says
I suffer from seasonal allergies. I so hate the watery eyes and the stuffed up sinuses. This year I will make sure to pick up some Reactine.
Dawn Lopez says
Allergies are a serious issue, especially when they prevent you from enjoying the warmer weather when it finally arrives. I’ve heard they are going to be extra bad this spring so it’s time to stock up on some medicine.
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Jaclyn Anne says
Allergies are the worst! I think that an allergy emoji is a GREAT idea! It would be nice to have something to help express how we are feeling when we are suffering from allergies!
Kerrie @ Family Food and Travel says
Absolutely! Love the idea!
Cathi Crismon says
Oh my goodness! I see so many people suffering from allergies this year. It’s good to know there is relief. Reaction sounds as if it will be good for my husband.
Crystal says
My youngest suffers from allergies really bad but we’ve never tried this brand of allergy medication. I’ll have to pick some up next time I’m at the store.
Heather says
Oh man. Allergies can be TERRIBLE! I have had days when I want to scratch my eyeballs because they’re so itchy!
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Ladena says
I get so many allergies in the spring and summer and Reactine always works for me! Also, I’d love to have an allergy emoji available! That would be hilarious!
Jenna Em says
My husband, kids & I all have seasonal allergies. It makes us miserable!