Yes, you read that right – three days to potty train twins.
You think you can do it? Whether you are working to potty train twins or one child these tips will help you find success.
Pick up the essentials and clear your calendar because potty training boot camp is about to begin.
Potty training was something that terrified me because it all seemed too overwhelming and I hate mess, especially bodily fluid mess!
So I set aside a weekend, got the potties, the wipes and the books ready and I decided it was time to potty train. My boys had shown signs of readiness so I knew that the time was right. Not sure if your child is? Take the Pull Ups® Readiness Quiz The quiz will give you customized tips and advice based on the Potty Personality their child most resembles: a Squirrel, Bear Cub, Puppy, Owl or Turtle. So cute!
What do you need to get potty train? The essentials and fun rewards for your potty training adventure and pretty much anything else you’ll need for a weekend where you don’t plan on leaving the house. And don’t forget the Pull-Ups® they are an essential part of the process.
My plan was to set the potties in the living room ready and handy so they were at the centre of playtime. Since it was in the Winter the boys wore long sleeve t-shirts, and no pants. Yep, no pants. That way the boys could use the potty when they were ready and learned to use the potty when they needed to. There were a few accidents but not nearly as many as I thought there would be.  At nighttime the boys wore Pull-Ups® to help prevent any nighttime accidents. We followed this routine of no pants during the day and Pull-Ups® at night for three days and it was remarkable. Boys were in the routine and rhythm of using the potty and loved the reward chart. They were excited and proud of their accomplishments.
When Monday came the boys were back to pre-school so they wore their Pull-Ups® and were confident that if they didn’t’ make it in time they were covered. I was so thankful for Pull-Ups® and the independence it gave my boys both during the day and at nighttime.
To celebrate all things Potty Training we are giving away two amazing Pull-Ups® PottyPartnership Toolkits.Â
Pull-Ups® PottyPartnership Toolkits include:
·        Pull-Ups® Training Pants
·        Big*Kid Flushable Wipes
·        Potty seat and chair
·        Potty training book
·        Milestone chart to track progress
·        Plush toy to reward potty accomplishments
·        $25 Walmart gift card to help you stock up on other potty training essentials outlined in the Potty Partnership Toolkit
Contest is open to residents of Canada and ends at 11:59pm on July 26, 2016.
Happy training!
My best tip is to be consistent. Don’t go back and forth from training them one day and then putting them back in diapers the next. They need to know that the potty is now part of their daily routine. Having some special treats or stickers also helps a lot to reward them for using the potty.
Yes! Such a good tip! So important to be consistent.
Kerrie @ Family Food and Travel recently posted..Tips to Potty Train Twins in Three Days #PottyPartnership
My best tip is a reward system and lots of enthusiasm.
I am nervous that they won’t want to give up the diapers.
each child trains in their own time, have patience
My best tip is when you first start, take them every half hour whether they agree they need to go or not, they will get so used to going that you can stretch that time out.
My tip is to have a good reward in place.
wait until they’re ready
My best tip is not to push or force it. Let them do it on their own time and don’t worry so much about it. Some kids learn early, some take a little longer, and that is okay. We are all ready on our time schedule, not others.
My best tip is to be patient.
Just starting potty training! Really nervous about what to do when driving in car.
Patience and reward system has worked best for me. We do the star calendar and big boy potty dance
Be patient and they will go when ready. I was always concerned when taking them places when first trained. Always had back up clothes packed.
Lot’s of patience and make sure they know that they are doing a good job trying
weird one…. but letting your kid run around naked, I tried that one weekend, and he went pee and poo on the potty all the time without me directing him to go.
My best tip that worked for me is not forcing potting training. Make the potty available, show them how it works and when they’re ready they’ll use it.
My best tip is to wait until your child is ready to use the potty! They’ll let you know.
My child is only one so were not there yet. But im nervous It will take forever for her to learn it.
I am most nervous that he will not have any interest in potty training and it will take forever.
My best tip for potty training is to let your child take the lead. With my first she was ready way before I was, so it was good she showed interest and we were able to potty train her early based on her lead. With my second she is much more resistant and I have learned that she will train when she is ready because she is certainly not going to before then!
My best tip is to be patient and be ready to stick close to home for a couple of days.
We were always most nervous about the bed to be honest! Night time training.
Patience, Patience & more Patience is my tip. Don’t rush, pick up on clues from your child that they are ready and don’t push/rush it.
I am going to be a new parent in January so any tips would help! I am concerned it will take forever to have my child potty trained.
My best tip is to met the child lead the way. We encourage but never pressure. If they’re not ready just forget about it and come back to it when they are more open to the idea.
My best potty training tip is don’t rush it, when your kid is ready you will know.
My tip is patience
My best tip is don’t make this a negative experience for the infant.
My best tip is waiting until the child shows an interest in potty training. Make it fun for them, praise and reward them for successes and never show disappointment over accidents.
My best potty training tip is to be patient. If the training isn’t working out now, try again later..
Look for signs of readiness like interest in the toilet and waking up dry after naps.
Mine is be patient.
Be patient and have faith that it will happen when your child is ready.
having patience and being consistant
My tip is just be patience, there is no since stressing, it’s no help for either of you, and there will be mistakes, just brush it off and give lots of encouragement!!
My tip is to just keep at it!! Don’t give up half way in!! :)
After training a few children my best tip is to be consistent and patience.
be patient and give lots of encouragement
My best tip is to be patient.
With my first son we had to be very patient and watch his cues. Our youngest is at the age where we want to start training but it’s been a process, he won’t even try to pee on the potty
Im worried he will just refuse to do it
I’m worried it will take a long time , we are going to start soon
Just be positive , get excited when they make it and tell them next time they can make it if not ! Going on visits or outings are scary for accidents !
We’re between potty trainings right now – our oldest just done and our youngest not ready. Best tip – don’t stress your LO, let them set the schedule as much as possible. It will happen and it will be better for everyone.
Best tip is don’t push it they will do it when they are ready.
Your child will let you know if their ready or not. When you push to hard it will take much longer
my best tip is to be patient, I worked in a daycare for years where we had to potty train the kids and each child is different, not all are ready to train at the same age
Best advice is to keep your cool! It can be very hard at times!
I am actually in the middle of trying to potty training my 3.5 year old. She is autistic and doesn’t like change in her routine. It has been a bit of a struggle and when in her diaper or underwear she will still go to the bathroom. Maybe the Fisherprice potty and the potty book would help her along this journey!
be patient!
Be patient, read a story to the little one
I have 4 kids and my youngest daughter is about to turn 2 and we are going to give potty training a try. My best tip would be Patient with your little ones, as new as it is to you it is to them, I have also found little rewards go along way and letting them know what a great job they are doing :)
I am worried it is going to take a long time to potty train.
Patience is key.
Mt best tip is to be patient and not to rush potty training.
My best tip for potty training is to always be consistent and be prepared for accidents!
I am most nervous about all the potential clean up from accidents.
I nervous that it will impossible for the overnight training.
My best tip is do it when you are ready to commit to it cause it can be a lot of work.
The most important thing with potty training is to stay patient, it doesn’t happen over night, it takes time & kids will usually let you know when their ready to potty train
If your child isn’t ready, don’t push them. It will just frustrate everyone.
I am most nervous for the time it will take for her to learn.
I’m terrifed of PTing my 3rd. I have no tips. My first was painful. My second did it on her own. For the love of pete, if my 2 year old would it it on her own I’ll be one happy women.
My best tip is that sometimes you need to step back and wait if it’s not going well the first time. In a few months, it may suddenly go really well.
allow them time to get use to it.
Be patient!
My best tips are to be consistent and patience pays
Remember to be gentle and patient.
my best tip is MAKE IT FUN!! kids can’t be scared. they need to feel important and like we are proudof them
I find to make it a positive experience for them. Reward them with praise and if that fails…smarties!
My best tip is keep trying and never give up. It may take quite some time for kids to getting used to it (like my son)
My tip is to throw cheerios in the toilet for the boys to aim at !
My best tip is to realize some days will be better than others. Don’t loose patience, it will happen.
Be Patient – hard as it sounds it does wonders for the process
we used the reward system, and it worked great for our kids, patience is also very important
Plain old bribery worked with us – we had a Smartie system.
My best tip is to definitely have a reward system and praise praise praise:)
i’m trying to peak his interest by reading him stories about potty training and getting him familiar with his potty and the toilet. he knows how to flush our toilet but has no interest in sitting on it right now so I know that i have to be patient!
My best tip is to wait until the child is ready, it’ll make it much easier and faster if the child thinks it’s their choice!
be patient! and don’t rush the child
my tip do not rush they will train when they are ready