The cold and flu season is so frustrating when little ones hate having their noses cleaned. If you have seen the Boogie products by Kandoo in your stores, you know they are a great line of products geared directly toward little ones. This year you can tackle not just the daily hygiene needs, but also help relieve the irritations that come with colds or flu using Boogie Wipes and Boogie Mist. When it comes to colds and kids you know that tissues do nothing more than just wipe away the surface – Boogie Wipes get rid of everything! So, join us in ditching the tissues and tackling the next cold with Boogie Wipes and Boogie Mist.
Beating Cold Season With Boogie Wipes and Boogie Mist
Do your little ones hate having you use a traditional facial tissue on the boogies that get in and around their nose when they have a cold? If so, this gentler solution is made just for those little faces and noses and won’t cause irritation.
Moist Boogie Wipes are easier on little noses. It may be a bit gross but, the reality is that when there is a cold and nasal drainage, it can be dried on little noses fast. That makes removing with a traditional facial tissue nearly impossible. Boogie Wipes are a great moist alternative that is safe and gentle on their skin and will help loosen the dried on mucus making it easy to remove without the fuss and fight little ones may typically put up.
Boogie Mist provides a safe nasal spray alternative. There are so many different sprays out there to help with congestion, but for your little ones nose a safe saline mist is the best option. Boogie Mist is quality, safe and easily helps relieve the frustration of congestion. Saline helps break up mucus making it easier for kids to breath. This can also help relieve that drainage induced cough.
Kids love using products geared toward them. There is nothing like buying a product that is just for kids to get their interested. The fun colours, easy to handle packaging and gentler products are all appealing to even the pickiest child that typically hides when it is time to clean their noses.
Using Boogie Wipes can drastically improve the chances of preventing irritation in and around your little ones nose. Being so gentle makes them a preferred method of removing those annoying boogies as well as simply cleaning up a runny nose. A daily use of the great Boogie Mist can help improve congestion, help keep nasal passages clear and keep a dry nose moist so there is no irritation inside. These products definitely make it much easier for you to begin beating cold season.
I always keep a small package in my purse and the large canister in my kitchen and bathroom. With twins there are runny noses all Winter long!
Man I wish this product was available when my kids were younger. It would have made things so much easier!!!!
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