The Holidays (Thanksgiving, Christmas etc.) are filled with family, fun and delicious food. It’s a time to gather, to play in leaves and snow and enjoy being together as a family. All of those delicious meals come with some foods that really stain. From Red Wine to Cranberry Sauce, gravy and grass stains you just never know what you will have to tackle. OxiClean is perfect to tackle those stains and all your dirty dishes too!
Thanksgiving Day. The day you spend with family, the day cooks spend weeks planning their menus for, the day that most moms do more cooking in a 24 hour time period in order to make our meals perfect. Between the planning & prepping, the shopping and the house guests, we can be wiped out before Turkey Day even gets here!
Thankfully for all of us, I was able to spend a few minutes with Home Entertaining Expert to the stars, Nicole Sassaman & pick her brain on some of her top tips on having a Tip Top Turkey Day!
Nicole’s Tips For The Prep:
- Start with a Clean Slate – Nicole recommends deep cleaning your table linens by using OxiClean™ Liquid Laundry Detergent since this is your canvas for your table set up. Re-using your lines from last year instead? Then whiten even the most dingy of linens with OxiClean™ White Revive Stain Remover. No one will ever no the difference!
Nicole’s Tips For The Decor:
- Work with What You Have – for traditional home decors, use warm rich colours for table settings. For modern minimalist styles, avoid over-cluttering your table decor. Mix up your table settings & forget the rules! Use whatever colours & patterns you love!
Nicole’s Tips For The Cleanup:
- Grab Some Help – always accept help with the cleaning the dishes from family & friends! It’s a great way to spend more time together!
To help you make it through Thanksgiving, we are hosting a Thanksgiving Survival Kit Giveaway courtesy of OxiClean™! Your Thanksgiving Survival Kit {valued around $60} includes:
- OxiClean™ Laundry Detergent Paks, Fresh Scent
- OxiClean™ Liquid Laundry Detergent, Fresh Scent
- OxiClean™ White Revive Stain Remover
- OxiClean™ Dishwashing 2 in 1 Booster
- OxiClean™ Unit Dose Laundry Detergent
- OxiClean™ Extreme Power Crystal Dishwasher Detergent
most difficult would be Wine and gravy stains.
Red wine stains are awful to remove.
Not a fan of gravy or elderberry pie stains. Elderberries are almost impossible to remove. We use my Grandmothers Lace tablecloth from 50 years ago, it’s very delicate, I have taken to covering it with a clear plastic table cover.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Grease stains are hardest to get out during the holidays
We drink concord grape juice every holiday and have had a few accidents when it has spilled; once all over my mom’s hand made holiday table cloth!
Grease stains for sure are to get out.
gravy stains – all depending on how much fat has been left in it
I find gravy stains the hardest.
The greasy stuff is the hardest
Greasy food stains
Spilled wine…and everything my son wears.
gravy and wine
gravy is the worst ever………followed closely by red wine
Grease stains are so tough
I’d say gravy because it’s greasy and leaves a grease type stain
wine stains
Any type of oil or grease stains are just impossible to get out
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wine stains
food and grease/oil stains, and craft stains (markers particularly).
Wine and gravy
grease from the turkey
Beet stains are hard to get out.
Wine stains… What could be worse than wine stains?…. wasting wine!
Cranberry sauce, it’s a bugger :(
I find blueberry stains difficult to remove.
grease stains
greasy stains
motor oil stains
Mud stains are my hugest challenge! We live in the middle of a rich farming area, and the soil stains are so dark!
the hardest stains to get out are grease/oil, red wine, gravy, chocolate, & tomato sauce
Lasagna and most pasta dishes I bake
Red wine have to be the worst! I pray every time that no one spills on my beige carpet, I’d never get rid of the stain.
Coffee stain!
Cranberry sauce and mustard pickle juice
The gravy is always a struggle.
red wine
My mom cooked beets from her garden for our thanksgiving…those things really stain…
gravy stains
wine stains
bacon grease splatter
I find it most difficult to get out the grease stains from gravy and turkey.
Grease stains can be a real challenge.
I would definitely say cranberry sauce!
Cranberry Sauce
red wine and cranberry
Great gravy blotches.
I find greasy food stains hardest
Red Wine or Cranberry sauce
Definitely grease stains!
Gravy Stains!
Beet juice.
Grease stains from Gravy are the bane of my existence
Cranberry sauce I think is the worst stain to remove.
Christine Topley recently posted..ALALA Fall Giveaway TOP AND BOTTOMS ($200 GIFT CARD)
The worst is red wine stains!
red wine or grease
I find chocolate stains the hardest to get out.
grease from the turkey and cranberry stains.
Red wine and gravy are brutal stains that often happen to me over Thanksgiving!
I find grease and fat stains the hardest to get out,as in taking turkey out of the oven,and pile of fat splatters on ya!
i find grease stains difficult!
Cranberry is hard to get out.
red wine
wine and gravy stains
with an 8 month old, anything leads to a stain
My baby’s food stains. He messes everything up and somehow it all lands on his shirt…you name it, it is on his shirt (cranberries, turkey, potatoes, peas, gravy…everything!) Try getting everything out!!!
Wine stains
wine stains
Cranberry sauce and greasy food stains.
Coffee or wine
Lot of stains. We can be quite messy. Wine, gravy, cranberry, chocolate stains are all hard for me to get out!
Cranberry sauce stains are ridiculously hard to get out!
Grease stains are the worst!
Grease stains from the turkey are the worst. I always wear my oldest shirts when I am preparing it.
Definitely grease stains!
Grease stains and yellow mustard
Grease stains are the hardest to get out.
I’m gonna say the grease stains from turkey bits getting dropped all over are the worst stains I have to tackle.
Gravy/grease stains are the worst!
Grease stains give me the biggest problem.
For me it is usually wine and for some reason I end up with something like gravy on me that I can’t get out properly too.
Wine stains
Would be engine oils
Grease stains are hardest to get out.
cranberries and wine!
Grease and red wine are the most difficult for me to remove.
I will have to say grease, from so many of our holiday treats, but also melted chocolate, sometimes my kids will sit on a treat, and melt it into a couch and that is awful to get out :(
We drink a lot of red wine during the holidays and someone always manages to spill some, those stains are the worse!
wine/grape juice, especially when mixed with oil-based stains such as gravy. thanks
Grease stains are the worst.
Any time of the year as well I can’t get it butter. I have tried a few products but nothing seems to get the grease out!
Wine and cranberry sauce.
grease and coffee
Definitely wine ones!
Definitely grease stains! I never notice them fast enough!
Grease stains on clothing are my nemesis.
Red wine!
wine stains cane the worst
grease stains
Id have to say red wine I find the hardest to get out during the holidays.
Wine and gravy are always the tough ones
I am entering your giveaway.
It would be great to win an OxiClean Thanksgiving Survival Kit.
In response to your question of
What stains do you find most difficult to get out during the Holidays?
I find cranberry and gravy stains the most difficult to get out during the Holidays.
Thank you for having this giveaway!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Red wine, gravy, and cranberry sauce are tough ones.
grease stains I find very hard to get out
Grass Stains
Wine Stains
I find wine is the most difficult stain to get out!
Wine stains!
A great product.
Greasy gravy stains!
Red wine is a pain to get out
OMG, grape juice is the worst. Wow, oxiclean is fab. & splendid. 2 fingers snap. It is tight, fly & off the chain. Thank you for the awesomeness, the contest, and generosity.
Cranberry juice!
Red wine and gravy stains!
Wine and gravy!
Les tâches de vin rouge sont les plus difficiles à faire partir.
red wine
It has to be red wine stains. It seems no matter how careful we are red wine ends up on the tablecloth.
The hardest stains to clean on the holidays is gravy!!! I spill some every year!
Chocolate from the kids desserts…no napkins needed, right?!!?
grease and oil stands are most frustrating for me.
Nyphertiti recently posted..Perfect Little Pill Box
Oxy Clean 2 in 1 booster and rinse agent is worth using as I thought I needed a new dishwasher as nothing was coming clean till I tried it and improvement happened on my spaghetti sauce, and burnt bacon grease stains.
Oils and Greases is the worst ever.
Sauces are hard to get out
Wine and chocolate stains.
hubby always seems to spill red wine and gravy on his shirt.
oil and grease are by far the hardest stains to remove
Definitely wine and gravy stains…they’re almost impossible to remove!I’ve heard from somewhere to counter red wine stain, pour a bit of white wine to neutralize the stain…didn’t work very well.
Grease spots out of my table cloth. Gravy is worth it though.
I find gravy stains the hardest to get out for sure!
grease stains from turkey
Wine and oil
I find wine and speghetti sauce the hardest to get out
orange koolaid is not easy to get out
Red wine for sure followed by cranberries.
Grease stains are very hard to get out.
Gravy stains seem to be a problem…
Getting greasy gravy stains out of my favourite tablecloth.
most difficult stain would be greasy gravy
Grease stains like gravy!
Red wine seems the most common one…I wonder why!
I find wine to be the most difficult,
Red wine and grease stains are my toughest stains to deal with over the holidays.
Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate the kids seem to always find it and it melts on to them
Definitely wine.
Those hardened grease stains on the stove are probably the biggest pain to clean.
Oxi products solved my kitty pee problems.
Red Wine and gravy
I find greasy stains the hardest to get out.
cranberry sauce is the hardest!
beet stains!
barbecue sauce and ketcup
Cranberry Sauce is pretty nasty if you don’t catch it right away
Chocolate and wine
Oil stains are the worst
Salad Dressing (i.e. oil) stains are near impossible to remove!
Wine,and grease stains,are my hardest,holiday stains to get out
Grease stains!
The worst stains are wine and chocolate.
Grease stains are very hard to remove
Gravy stains are my nemesis.
I would have to say gravy stains are the worst
I find it difficult to have time for laundry during the holidays. Still I would say keeping white socks white are always a challenge
The worst to get out is turkey grease stains when cooking and forgetting to put on an apron
Definitely red wine is the worse.
Grease stains are the toughest for me
Red wine…..I find this out all too often
Grease and wine stains
grease stains are going to be the death of me. and I always notice way too late and ruin a nice shirt