Our family loves the Chicken Soup for the Soul books and looks forward to reading their newest instalments. These two are such fun titles filled with wonderful collections of stories, I cannot wait to share them with my family over the holidays.
Chicken Soup for the Soul O Canada, The Wonders of Winter
I really enjoyed this collection, true Canadian spirit is represented by tales of hockey, cold winters and even winter waterskiing on the Rideau! I sent this book to a wonderful friend who is living outside of Canada right now so she can reminisce about all things Canadian and Winter!
Canadian winters are notorious! But this collection will warm your heart, brighten your day, and lift your spirits with its 101 stories about embracing and making the most of those long winter months.
Winters in Canada are tough, but so are the people! Any Canadian – from east to west coast; from city to rural – will love the 101 stories in this new collection about embracing those long winter days and making the most of them. Filled with amusing and encouraging stories about weathering the cold, creating warm memories with family and friends, and playing great winter sports.
Chicken Soup for the Soul Just Us Girls
This collection is a great read for any woman, but while I enjoyed it, my mom loved it. It’s such a great collection of the stories of all the wonderful (and funny) parts of female friendship. A great gift for any woman in your life.
A woman’s friends are the family she picks for herself. Whether it’s about something funny or serious, our friends are the first ones we think to call. They are a constant source of support and encouragement. This collection of 101 touching and amusing stories celebrates all that is special about the bonds that women share with their friends — the unique spirit of female friendship. You’ll love reading and sharing these stories with your friends.
Big Giveaway! 3 winners of each title
I will be giving away 3 copies of each title to 6 total winners. Contest is open to CAN/US ends 12/28.
Amy C says
I would keep. It would be for me.
Maisha Davis says
Darlene Schuller says
I would give the O Canada to my daughter. She’s collecting Canadian things.
Athena says
I would keep them to read and then share them :)
Katie says
I would keep the books if I wont them
charityk says
i would give it to my mom
charityk says
i would give both tomy mom
L says
I would give this to my mom!
Anna W says
I would share the with my friends, when ever we get new books we always read them then pass them around.
Anna W says
I would love to give Wonders of Winter to my mom.
Andrea Amy says
I would keep it :)
Wayne Lecoy says
I am entering your giveaway.
In response to your question of Who would you give this book to if you won?
i would keep it for myself but after i finished reading it i would let my mother read it.
Thank you for having this giveaway!!!!!!!!!!
Wayne Lecoy says
I am entering your giveaway.
In response to your question of Who would you give this book to if you won?
i would give this book to my mother.
Thank you for having this giveaway!!!!!!!!!!
Colleen says
My sister
marlene smith says
my daughter
GARRY S says
Kristina Ziegler says
My Mom or sister
Wanda Bergman says
I’d give it to my neighbour who LOVES winter!!
Marjorie R. says
This book would be a keeper for me.
Mrs. Sandi Tymchuk says
I would read it myself, share it with my Mom, and donate it to the public library afterwards.
Linda M says
I love all the chicken soup books very enjoyable read.
Maegan Morin says
Im not gonna lie I would probably keep this for myself!
SueSueper says
If I won wonders of winter I would keep it.
If I won Just us girls I would give it to my sister.
Larissa V says
i would give it to my mom or sister :)
Karen Hill says
I would gift this to my sister. After I read it of course!
aarone says
I would give it to my boyfriend!
Elizabeth C. says
I would give the chicken soup for the soul book to my sister Linda.
Elizabeth C. says
I would give the chicken soup for the soul book “Just Us Girls” to my friend Regina.
liz l says
I would give it to my sister
liz l says
Actually, I would give both to my sister
Jennifer L. says
I’d keep it for myself.
409cope says
I would give this to my mother-in-law.
409cope says
I would give the Just Us Girls book to my sister.
Ashley Fryer says
I would give it to my mom.
Connie says
I would give it to my sister.
Connie recently posted..Best Recipes of 2013
Marjorie R. says
Just Us Girls would be for my daughter.