Life is all about celebrating the little moments in life. A moment of peace, your kids’ test score, making it to the gym even though you wanted to hibernate on the couch. Those are the little moments that we rarely celebrate but should be. YOPA a new fabulous greek yogurt is encouraging you to celebrate your OPA moments with flavours that taste like Strawberry Cheesecake, Pina Coladas and Vanilla Bean = heaven in my books! Plus, with double the protein of regular yogurt, no gelatin, artificial colours/flavours, 0% fat and only 80 calories per serving it is an indulgence you can have everyday.
While many people love to indulge in chocolate treats my favourites are anything with peanut butter, or fruit flavoured desserts. I love mango, lemon, strawberry and rhubarb desserts – tart and sweet at the same time! For that reason I chose to try the Ooh-la-la Strawberry Cheesecake YOPA yogurt and loved it! It was rich, creamy and didn’t have the overwhelming tartness that other greek yogurts I’ve tried have.
Check out what spokesperson Nia Vardalos has to say about YOPA:
To celebrate the arrival of YOPA yogurt in stores near you, we are giving away a $100 YOPA Prize Pack. Contest is open to residents of Canada and while you can enter on a few sites, you can only win one prize pack from the company. Best of luck!
*This Giveaway Has Ended*
Disclosure – I am participating in the YOPA Blogger Campaign by Mom Central Canada on behalf of General Mills, and received compensation as a thank you for participating and for sharing my honest opinion. The opinions on this blog are my own.
My OPA moment came when I realized that I could push myself beyond my limits and complete a crossfit challenge this weekend.
OPA moment I would like to celebrate is the fact that we have managed to pay off all our credit cards!!!
Everyday is a good day to celebrate with yopa!
I can’t wait to celebrate my son’s 5th birthday next week :)
Purchasing my first vehicle! Can’t wait to celebrate that :)
I am trying to really focus on those little moments. Playing in the park. Digging in the sand. Going on a ladybug hunt. My sons smiles. Giggles. Those are all that matter!!! :-)
The start of my new job!!
My anniversary.
I tend to celebrate the little moments with my kids as much as possible because they need to know life is not all hard work and no fun. Maybe my OPA moment could just be getting through my 1st year as a single Mom with 2 kids and not only surviving but shining :)
My son putting his face in the water during swimming lesson is a big OPA moment for me.
My daughter having a great first visit to the dentist
booking some of my vacation time
my birthday!
Paying off my mortgage!
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Getting the kiddos to gather up the toys they no longer use and have then donate it.
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Watching TV and cuddling with hubby.
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Successfully making macarons on my 4th attempt. :)
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My 8 th Anniversary !
Making funny faces with my toddler.
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My sister’s birthday would be a great day to celebrate!
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My hubby’s birthday !!!!!!
A special birthday that I celebrated this month!
Finding out I was having twins both times – OPA!
I’d celebrate time with friends.
When the kids finally go to bed
I like to celebrate when work is done for the day :p
When everyone in the house is asleep and I have some “me” time.
My OPA moment is when I finish my Nonprofit management certificate
Vacation with all my family is my OPA moment!
When I get a moment alone with my husband is an OPA celebration.
I love piña colada flavour Does this post enter me in the contest
passing my exam
A little moment I should celebrate more is snuggly bed time stories
tennille recently posted..Food Bank Friday Challenge #41
I’m learning to take time for myself.
Birth of our children..most recently a baby girl :)
Going to the park with my son.
Going on vacation by myself.
My OPA moment is when I realize I can do it and do it by myself!!
spa days
Our first baby on the way in November!
each of my childs firsts.
I like to celebrate life on a daily basis. Good friends and family
Katrina Brady recently posted..The Newest And Coolest Accessory Is Here #LetsTalkBums
I quit smoking 6 weeks ago
My Opa moment is mastering another yoga move
My Opa moment would be achieving the five mile mark while walking for exercise two weeks ago.
the kids’ graduation from kindergarten. thanks
I finally found my dream home!
A nice walk in the park
Getting to visit my grown children and grandkids
Our recent addition to the family, Logan.
I entered your giveaway.
It would be great to win this $100 YOPA Prize Pack.
I love eating yogurt
and The Ooh-la-la Strawberry Cheesecake YOPA yogurt sounds delicious.
In response to your question of What is one of your Opa moments that you’d love to celebrate?
One of my Opa moments i would love to celebrate is winning a contest and my birthday in October.
Thank you for having this giveaway!!!!!!!!!!!
Getting together with family in a couple of weeks to celebrate Thanksgiving and lots of birthdays!
I had an OPA moment when I was able to take a nap this afternoon!
One of my OPA moments i would like to celebrate is finally finishing a book I started reading last year.
An OPA moment for me was teaching my 10 year old granddaughter to sew this week. She picked it up so easily and loves it.
our 5th anniversary
My niece was 2 yesterday. That’s an OPA! moment.
I’m trying to walk 10,000 steps a day. I think I should celebrate with Yopa!
Teaching my dog a new trick!
The birth of our next child
staying within budget
Surviving this week would be a great yopa moment to celebrate
My new job!
I am celebrating being a grandma for the first time with two new grandsons!
My son going PEEPEE on the potty :)
Letting someone ahead of you in the checkout line.
Teaching my DD how to blow a bubble.
Making a stuffed omelet and having it NOT break when I flip it over. OPA!
The most recent one for me would be finishing the laundry in under 4 hours!
An OPA moment I’d love to celebrate in my sons 10 month birthday this week:)
My OPA moment – participating in a local Amazing Race event this week-end. It was a blast!
Finding out that both my dog and family member don’t have cancer!
My opa! moment is when I go on vacation!
A date night with my husband – doesn’t happen too often.
OPA moment when my son came home from his interview last week all happy!
Kids rock!
My OPA moment was surviving my life expectancy 3 times over. Yes, I celebrated.
Stephanie LaPlante recently posted..FunDayMental Friday
I canned 50 jars of vegetables this season!
Watching cartoons with my great-nephew.
Vacation with the family is an OPA moment!
spending hours colouring with my son
Getting everybody out of the house on time!
my OPA moment was buying our house!
Being out of hospital for me!!!
Coming home from work and having a few spare moments to unwind!
paying off my student loans finally!
Losing 20 pounds!
Losing 20 pounds
Coming home and having dinner made.
I’d love to celebrate getting our home renovations done
Getting my house ready to put up for sale.
the new baby is on its way , cant wait to celebrate that
I like to celebrate getting everyone out of the door in the morning on time and prepared.
Jonnie recently posted..Strawberry Shortcake Berry Bitty Mysteries on DVD
Taking my dogs for a walk and actually enjoying it. It always seems like a bit of a chore but once we get going it is not so bad!
My Opa moment was last night at my first knitting class :)
My Opa moment recently was starting a workout program with my daughter
my birthday!
My OPA moment right now is that my baby is consistently sleeping through the night.
Getting most of my Christmas shopping out of the way by the end of September!
Hmm… watching the condemned house next door finally getting torn down was pretty OPA for me :D
Finally getting the clearance on this load to cross border at 2:30 am last night! OPA!
My husband surprising me with a new puppy!
My daughter is getting her braces off nest week so we will celebrate that
Lost 20 lbs so that’s a case for celebration. Hoping to tackle another 20. :D
Running my 5K
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My last opa moment was getting enough rest (hard for a busybody like me) in order to make it to a concert featuring one of my favorite musicians. It was amazing!
Finally able to tear up the old, stained carpet in our living room after 6 years OPA!!
The OPA moment I’d like to celebrate is finally getting the junk on the dining room table cleared off so I can put a nice centerpiece on the table.
Finally getting a day off!
We we were married in Maui
Meeting an important deadline this past week despite being sick and feeling like it was almost an impossible feat.
Having my kiddos tell me I’m an awesome mom first thing when I wake up!
After a long day of studying
OPA moment – payed all cards off. Great feeling in thid day and age – I guess any day and age lol
Cuddling with my bulldog
Settling in for the night with hot cocoa and fuzzy slippers.
Tomorrow having the day off work! ahhhhhhhhhh
My Yopa moment is spending the weekend with my family!
having my baby
Managing to wake up in time to drink an entire cup of tea before the baby woke up – it’s the little things!
Having a good hair day!
My daughter clearing the table without being asked.
Looking forward to celebrating my toddler being fully potty trained. I think a Yopa followed by something more decadent!
my youngest’s 3rd birthday.. but really.. anything in live is worth celebrating!!
I’d love to celebrate my YOPA moment of join a gym and getting on track with a new healthy regime – it’s long overdue!
celebrating holidays with my family
finishing high school a few years ago
giving myself a kick in the butt and deciding to eat healthier… down 60 lbs :)
Going through my closet and finding a blouse I thought I’d lost ages ago!
Sharing an inside joke.
Finding $20 in an old pair of jeans.
Hearing a song on the radio that brings back a flood of great memories.
My husband’s birthday.
Savoring an ooey gooey grilled cheese sandwich. Definitley a YOPA-OPA moment.
Getting a handwritten letter in the mail from a friend overseas. Beats email any day!
the birth of my daughter
martina recently posted..31 Fun Pumpkins #Halloween
A long hot shower without anything knocking on the door.
Just enjoying the sunlight coming through the kitchen windows.
My birthday and wedding anniversary
Eating Nutella right out of the jar.
My children playing nicely together.
Having a milk moustache… on purpose.
Playing peekaboo with my son!
Pushing myself to go an extra 5 min during my morning run.
My son coming home full of stories about what he learned at school. I love that he loves to learn!
Watching my kids grow and thrive every day.
My neighbour bringing over a huge portion of lasagna for us to enjoy. She’s the best!
Doing the dishes with DH. We talk about our days while the kids are upstairs.
Opening the fridge and there being a last piece of chocolate cake. ALL MINE!
My son finally being potty trained.
My kids and I just celebrated our cat’s adoption day/birthday – 3 yrs with us but he’s 8 years old – we adopted him from the local shelter.
My beautiful niece’s wedding today.
the dogs letting me sleep in!
Completed an assignment.
Cooking side by side with my daughter.
Stopping to smell the roses, literally!
Watching the Walking Dead premiere with a big bowlful of sweet & spicy popcorn.
Taking an illicit catnap in the middle of the afternoon.
My toddler making fishy faces to our fish tank.
The kids waiting by the front door listening for daddy coming home.
Not having morning sickness anymore!
Having my youngest potty trained. No more diapers, woo hoo!
Giving birth to my children is my moment!
My opa moment is finishing a great book.
Licking the icing bowl.
Enjoying a mug of hot cocoa with mini marshmallows.
Making a fort out of pillows, chairs, and blankets with my kids.
A Yopa moment would be after a good meal, a yogourt as dessert.
My moment would be cleaning the kitchen after dinner, I always slack off and leave it for the morning.
My Yopa moment is grabbing a yogurt for a post-workout snack while my husband grabs a bowl of icecream post workout
My OPA moment would be having the kids all go to bed on time and with no fights!
I enjoy yogourt as a mid-afternoon snack, so my OPA moments would celebrate afternoons well-spent, whether gardening, reading a good book or making a serious dent in projects or chores.