Our family recycles a lot. Between my husband’s catering business and our twins we have a lot of cans, bottles and cardboard. Right now we have been hanging a plastic bag on the back of a coat hook, filling it up and then taking it outside to our recycling bin. (https://www.winecountry.com/) Then I got asked to try this new Rubbermaid Hidden Recycler and I was pretty excited.
Rubbermaid Hidden Recycler Facts:
- Attaches to cabinet door to collect recyclables out of sight
- 19 litre bag that holds up to 36 – 355ml uncrushed cans
- Soft-sided bag allows for flexibility inside any cabinet
- Built-in handles to carry & empty with ease
- Bag is made from recycled material that is durable, leak proof and machine washable
- Easily installs with over-the-door hooks or screws
- Bag is made from 65% post-consumer resin
- All plastic parts are made of recyclable materials so that the product can be recycled once a consumer no longer needs it
- Currently available at Wal-Mart & Rona
- SRP $17.99
We’ve been using our Rubbermaid Hidden Recycler for a few weeks now and found it was easy to install, easy to keep clean and really handy for all of the recyclables we collect. It’s a great height for our boys to drop things in it which helps in our lessons about what is garbage and what is recycling.
Here’s the one we have in our kitchen:
And, one lucky reader of Family Food and Travel will win their own Rubbermaid Hidden Recycler.
Giveaway open to residents of Canada ends May 24, 2013
Bree says
I use my counter, then take a load out when I go outside. This would be great!
Jen says
no system =(
ashley picco says
Right now we have a small cardboard box next to our microwave. Everything gets put in there, and then our 5 yr old takes it to the garage once fill to sort into the correct bins. It doesn’t hold all that much though, and winning this giveaway would be awesome!
ashley picco recently posted..Streak Free Window with Norwex!
Tasha says
Unfortunately we have no recycling system currently in place at our home. We need to change that! This would be great to win! Thanks for the chance.
Tasha recently posted..Penningtons Summer 2013 Look Book
Victoria Ess says
We just bring out recycling out to the garage.
Sarah Lynn says
We pile up our recycling on top of the fridge…and take it out daily :S
Sarah Lynn recently posted..Pamper Mom for Mother’s Day (#PGmom Review and Giveaway)
J says
We pile it on an unused spot in the kitchen and take it out at the end of the day. Or whenever it gets unruly.
Erika E says
I have a bin by my back entry. Looks terrible, this would be great.
Stephanie LaPlante says
We currently have a recycle bin outside. Difficult to organize.
Stephanie LaPlante recently posted..Enter A Super Amazon #Giveaway CAN/US
Julie G. says
In our municipality, each house has a very large wheelie bin to collect our recyclables. We keep ours in the garage, so every time I have something to add to it, I make a quick trip out to the garage.
Kevin Linkie says
We have the typical blue bins that look unsightly in the kitchen.
Kevin Linkie
Brenda Witherspoon-Bedard says
we just put ours in a blue box
Kim Barrett says
I have two wooden boxes at the back door.
andie says
We have recycling buckets upstairs and down – and then we transfer to a larger system outside where we have it org. by various types.
Anne Taylor says
We have 2 decorative bins…one for all paper and cardboard and the other for plastic, glass and metals
MissT says
A small blue bin we found at the dollar store thats in the cabinet underneath the sink.
julie_bolduc says
we have a cardboard box as our system
Jennifer Andrews says
Recycling box out side, this would be very useful in my tiny kitchen.
Laurie B says
We open the door and toss it in the appropriate bin. Such a head ache when the heat or air is on.
elaine bolduc says
I recycle our left over food, the plastic and paper, I donate things we don’t need and pass on clothing that does not fit anymore
Erin says
I don’t have a system :) I leave all the recycling by the door and take it out once a day
Jennifer L. says
I have three containers under the sink (one’s a cardboard box). The contents get transferred to larger bins in the garage when they get filled.
Holly Messana says
i have a rubbermaid bin in my closet, but it hardly gets emptied and is always overflowing
Right now they just pile up on the counter untill one of us lazy bones gets up off our duff and takes them out to the garage. Thanks!
Jonnie says
We use garbage bags to sort the recycling right now.
Sean Cuthill says
We currently have three dedicated containers in the kitchen – one each for garbage, paper/cardboard, and plastics/tins. they get emptied in to the appropriate containers in the garage when full. Also, we have a composter going. I could certainly use this Rubbermaid unit in my residence downstairs.
Narathip Wall. says
We are actually don’t have any. We only recycling the bottles.
Narathip Wall. recently posted..Somebody stole my green tea Frappuccino. Sigh.
Jeannette Laframboise says
Our recycling system is quite sad…Pile it all in the corner until someone ( usually ME) picks it up and takes it out to the blue bin….I know sad, right? ;-)
Dayna Wilson says
We use an ugly yellow milk crate.
Sydney D says
Just a blue recycling bin!
michelle says
we have 4 bins – recycle, compost, trash and stuff to take to school like newspapers, egg cartons and magazines.
diane king says
use bread bags to recycle plastics
Colleen at Forty Something Bride says
Currently I keep a basket in the bottom of our broom closet and store recycle items there.
Andrea says
we put everything in bags and take it out to the blue bin when we remember.
Amy Heffernan says
Wash and in a garbage bag to bring to the recycling store. This would be great. Thank you.
Jeannie says
We currently just use a garbage bag for the recycling and bring that out when we bring out the garbage.
Viv Sluys says
We just bring it down to the garage every time we empty a box/can/milkjug/etc
Belinda McNabb says
nothing special I just use a garbage bag to collect our recyclable items
Tara Crawford says
Nothing really counter top then garbage bags to transfer outside
409cope says
Right now I just take my recyclables out to the blue boxes in my garage.
Sarah De Diego (Journeys of The Zoo) says
Dirty paper and plastic boxes under the sink :/
Besos, Sarah
Blogger at Journeys of The Zoo
Finding Humour in Everyday Life
Sarah De Diego (Journeys of The Zoo) recently posted..Mother’s Day Should be Every Day or At Least Once a Month.
Theresa Michalik says
We use blue boxes
Kristi Renout says
I have to run everything down to the basement to put into the appropriate bag.
michelle tremblett says
We pile everything up beside the fridge until its time to take it out to the curb :/
Winnie B says
I just use a plain old recycling bin in the kitchen
Lindsay Cyr says
I have a few of the blue recycling bins that we use for different type of recyclable materials. This would definitely come in handy!
Teresa Claire says
I have a ‘blue box’ in the laundry room for paper, cans and glass. It is picked up once every 2 weeks. I have been shopping around for a small kitchen bin to recycle food scraps because the city will be starting to pick up those in the very near future.
eleanor says
I have a large reusable bag that I place the recycled items in and then after a while I take them out to the recycle bin.
Darlene Schuller says
Right now biodegradeable bags ..
Patrick Siu says
we use a the big rubbermaid box
Heidi C. says
We use blue bags for dry recycling and green for wet recycling.
Cheryl Grandy says
We have a box in the cupboard. It’s always overflowing.
Angela Mitchell says
We have a cupboard in the kitchen that I throw all the recycling into and when it gets full I empty it into a blue bin that we then keep downstairs.
Dawn - Addicted to Recipes says
We have a bin on the counter and every night our oldest takes it down to the garage and puts it away.
Dawn – Addicted to Recipes recently posted..Turkey Florentine Meatloaf
Jennifer C. says
Put it all in one bin for curbside…
Jennifer C. recently posted..Bloggers Wanted: Bounce Into Summer giveaway~!!
Nicole B says
I have the recycle bins outside the back door.
Florence C says
I have two blue bags on the go in my back porch to sort for curb side pickup. I store what we get reimbursed for in the basement. An ice cream tub on the counter for the composter.
Happy Chinadoll says
Everything thing that is recyclable goes in the re-usable box and then I dump into our main bin when it is full
Happy Chinadoll recently posted..Marcelle: Eye makeups ~ Review
Chantale says
We don’t have a system :(
leanne saunders says
I have a little bin under the sink :(
LindaL says
Ours go into blue bags so I just have 3 hooked to nails in the stairway of my basement!
Laurie P says
we usually have a small box that gets moved around the kitchen constantly, eventually being emptied outside when it’s full…
Cindy B. says
We just put our recyclables on the counter. When someone goes outside they bring it out.
Kelsey Russell says
For cans and bottles I throw them down my basement stairs and collect them when I go down into a recycling bag. For all other recycling I have a recycling can beside my garbage can in the kitchen.
adina post says
we have a cardbord box under the sink
Judy Cowan says
We use a reusable shopping bag to take it from the apartment out to the bins