Our the next couple of weeks I am going to take some time to introduce you to a number of a my favorite bloggers. I love reading their blogs and know that you will too. So, grab a cup of coffee and check out our first blogger’s Q & A, Renee at MySoCalledMommyLife
1. Why did you become a blogger?
Prior to the birth of my daughter in August 2011, I did months of research about baby products that I would need to use/get. Once she arrived I kept doing research on different products, baby classes, clothing etc and would share that knowledge with my mommy-to-be and mommy friends. A few mentioned that I should start a blog to share my knowledge. So I dove into it completely blind and that’s how I became a blogger!
2. What inspires you about blogging?
The feedback that I get from people I know and complete strangers! It makes me feel great that people are taking the time out of their busy lives to read what I have to say!
3. What is your favorite blog post? Why?
My favourite blog post is called “400 days and counting”. It’s my favourite because it sums up the most amazing, trying, exceptional first year of my daughters life and the lessons that I learned about becoming a mother. I posted the post as I was literally running out the door to go to my first day of work at my new job. You can read it here http://wp.me/p2vyNf-fc
4. What is your favorite food/recipe?
I absolutely LOVE cheese! I could eat cheese all day. I love learning about different cheeses, trying them and finding the best cheese pairings.
One food that I love to make with cheese is fondue!
I modified the recipe from Tyler Florences recipe on foodnetwork.com
1/2 lb of Gruyere cheese, shredded
1/2 lb of Emmentaler cheese, shtredded
2 tablespoons of cornstarch
1 garlic clove, peeled
1 cup of dry white wine
1 tablespoon of fresh squeezed lemon juice
Pinch of nutmeg
Assorted foods to dip such as blanched baby potatoes, blanched brocolli, blanched cauliflower, blanched asparagus, cubed French baguette, and Granny Smith Apples.
In a bowl lightly coat the shredded cheese in cornstarch.
Rub the inside of the ceramic fondue pot with garlic.
Over medium heat in a pot add the wine and lemon juice and bring to a gentle simmer.
Gradually add the cheese into the pot and stir. Once all the cheese is melted and smooth the nutmeg
Pour the cheese into your ceramic fondue pot over a low flame.
Dip your favourite foods into the cheese.
5. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Right now I would want to visit Australia. My good friend Sophie is currently living there and it’s been quite a while since we have seen each other! She sends me the most amazing pictures of all of the places that she visits and the view from her house. It would be really amazing to spend time together hanging out and traveling together.
About me: Renee is the owner and blogger at My So-Called Mommy Life. She is the mother of a toddler affectioantly known as Princess Peach with another one on the way in July. When not working as a teacher or blogging she can be found with her Iphone in one hand, a Starbucks Misto in the other and with her toddler on her hip! Come read about her experiences atmysocalledmommylife.com
i love cheese too, something about it makes me crave it… everything taste better with cheese on it
Cheese and Australia — Renee has good taste :)
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Thanks for introducing us to new bloggers. I love 400 Days and Counting. Time flies too fast. Nice to have that recap.
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