Today is going to be a multi-coffee morning. I usually only have one cup, two at the most but wondering if maybe a pail of coffee might be more appropriate?
This week I have been feeling a little off all week. Like I am fighting a bug, and my three CrossFit workouts has resulted in every single muscle and tendon in my body hurting!
Yesterday I laid down for a nap when the boys were napping. I thought I would get a couple of hours of good sleep and be refreshed for the day and ready for my 7:20pm workout. I most definitely slept. I fell into one of those sleeps that when you wake up you are so disoriented that it takes you a few minutes to figure out where you are. The boys woke up about an hour into my nap. I stumbled out of bed and came downstairs with them. Upon viewing my disoriented state my husband suggested I go back to bed for awhile longer. I nodded, and lumbered back upstairs.
When I woke up it felt like I had slept forever. I looked at my clock and saw that it was 6:45pm!!!!!!
I quickly changed into my workout clothes and ran downstairs. I asked my husband why he let me sleep so long. He replied, “I thought you needed it.” Feeling guilty for missing dinner, getting the boys ready for bed and pretty much the whole afternoon I hugged the boys and dashed off to CrossFit.
After one of the hardest workouts I have ever endured I headed home watched Rookie Blue from Thursday and did some writing. My husband had to work super early this morning so he went to bed and I spent the evening doing some research, visiting some of my favorite blogs and checking out Twitter. Just when I went to go to bed one of the boys woke up crying. I followed our routine of rubbing his back and telling him it was okay. I offered water and lots of hugs. Nothing seemed to help and he cried for over an hour. Every time I started to go to sleep he cried. I was a walking zombie. Then the other woke up once, the cat cried and the dog wanted to be let out around 5am. Both boys woke up at 6:15am ready to start the day (45 mins earlier than usual). It was one of those nights. Not really because of the boys, but just a set of circumstances that resulted in severely interrupted sleep.
Whatever gains I made by my deliciously self-indulgent “nap” yesterday was definitely lost.
Outside, it is a beautiful crisp sunny Saturday morning. My parents are coming soon to visit and play with the boys. I will be curled up in a chair guzzling coffee in the desperate hope that I will be able to stay awake until nap time.
Today, I thank God for my Tassimo. I love you!
How is your Saturday going?
Wow, you do crossfits! My daughter does the competitions and I’m always so amazed that people can do that! Keep at it = you motivate me!
Leslie, I’ve just started. I have a bunch of weight to lose and hoping that this is the workout that will do it. It certainly is a challenge but a good challenge!
Naps are precious, no matter how you get them or how the day after looks. Also, yes, coffee!
I definitely have those days where even a pail of coffee doesn’t seem like it would do the trick! :) I hope you had a nice visit with your parents, though! I also wanted to stop by and thank you for leaving such sweet words on one of my most recent posts. They truly meant so much to me <3 Newest follower! Have a great rest of your weekend!
Thank you so much Stephanie. I really enjoy your blog. :)
Coffee = good.
I always think, about those naps, sometimes you just NEED the rest! So don’t feel guilty, it’s not self-indulgent, it’s survival!
Nicole, that makes me feel much better! Survival napping. That is what I am going to call it now :)
Afternoon naps can really throw me off too. I can end up in a fog for the rest of the day.
It can be tricky. But, extremely long naps always do me in!