After making progress last night I entered today in an optimistic haze. We went to a friends home for a play date in the morning then came home for the boys 1pm nap.
While driving home the boys both fell asleep within minutes of arriving at our house. We scooped them up and carried the sleepy boys upstairs putting them in their cribs without a fight. They played a bit quietly then went to sleep. I heard a couple of noises and a brief cry but other than that, silence. At 3:30 I started to wonder if they would ever wake up. At 3:45 they both woke up like clock work ready to play. A friend came for visit and dinner so we all hung out in the living room until meal time. Dinner was not so good. The boys did not want to sit at the table and despite trying to put them there it was a no go. Mealtime is my next battle. Planning to wage it this week. Mean mom is coming to town. At 6pm the boys were rubbing their eyes and appearing very tired. I put them in their pj’s we brushed our teeth and read stories.
At 6:45pm one got up from the story and asked to be in his crib. After I picked my jaw up off the floor I placed him in and he laid down. Then the other did the same. Baffled I wandered out of the room and downstairs to have a glass of wine. I thought about going to bed early but got caught up in reading other blogs. Wondering what the night will hold.
Both boys woke up at 1:30am, 3am and 4am. It appeared that one woke the other up at each of these times. With a hug, a kiss and a “you’re okay” the boys went back to sleep within 5 minutes of waking.
At 7:30am the boys woke up happy and ready to play.
I am still stunned.
It is like a miracle has happened. The boys want to go to sleep and are definitely working towards staying asleep. Amazing. Simply amazing.
I pretty much feel silly for not trying this before, or for believe that they really needed me in the night.
My husband and I have slept in the same bed for two nights! Freaking amazing!
As a break from sleep training I thought I would post a few pictures of the boys at a local park. It was a fun morning for everyone :)
Sleep Consulting done through GoodNight SleepSite
That’s terrific that your boys are sleeping well! Troy typically sleeps through the night – getting him to sleep is where the challenge lies… :)
I would definitely recommend that you contact Alanna. She has tips and tricks for every sleep problem.
Today wasn’t as good as yesterday but we are still moving forward!
That’s awesome! Congratulations! SLEEP! It’s like the Holy Grail.
Thank you Nicole. I sure wish we had all the problems solved but feel there is more work ahead. We are getting closer though :)
Hi there! LOVED this post…so glad to hear I’m not the only one going through toddler sleep troubles! Found you via Bloggy Moms August Blog Hop. Can’t wait to get to know you better!
-Molly {OTmama –}
Molly! Wonderful to hear from you and receive your positive feedback. Looking forward to following you. Just read your blog and really enjoyed it.
Great post about sleep training. I remember being over the moon when both of my kiddies were sleep trained!
Char :)
Char, I live in hope that it will all come together soon. I feel pretty silly for not starting this sooner!
Congrats! Glad the sleep training is going well…my partner and I slept in the same bed on Sunday night for a wedding – it was weird lol.
I know! It is crazy when we get glimpses of our lives before children :)
new follower from Bloggy Moms :) Great job on sleep training! Your blog looks to be filled with delicious food and adventurous travel…love it!
Welcome Devon! Thank you for stopping by. Looking forward to sharing our adventures with you.