Sundays at my house are typically quieter than the other days of the week. Â A day that I don’t have to work, a day to spend with family, and a day to plan the week ahead. Â My husband and I sit down with a coffee and talk about what we have booked, where we need to be and what we are going to eat.
Recently I was offered the chance to try our The Organized Family Menu Planner from Glow Baby and I was excited. Â A tool that could help me plan our meals, create shopping lists and organize recipes – what more could I want?
I sat down yesterday to begin planning.
I was pleasantly surprised at how much space I had to write, how convient the tear off shopping list was and how easy it was to use. One thing that perplexed me was the snack part. Â I have never planned snacks before. Â Do people do this?
Wanting to get the whole experience I looked in the fridge, the cupboard and made a plan for 3 meals a day and 3 snacks a day. Once I wrote it in, I loved it. Â Such a great idea to plan snacks. Â I know what the kids will be having, and I have a guideline for eating myself. Â No more staring into the fridge wondering what to feed my family.
My week is planned, my shopping list done and I feel ready to take on the week.
One lucky reader of Family Food and Travel will win their own Organized Family Menu Planner.
Deb says
I plan the meals once a week with a shopping list. Pretty paper helps!
Sarah De Diego (Journeys of The Zoo) says
I plan our meals but don’t write them down. They’re largely dependent on what is on sale or reduced when I get to the store. My BFF would love this though. Love that they’re Canadian!
Besos, Sarah
Blogger at Journeys of The Zoo
Sarah De Diego (Journeys of The Zoo) recently posted..International Bereaved Mother’s Day. You Have Been Chosen {Loss}
Courtney says
Sadly I dont, I’d probably save a lot of money if i started!
Michelle Mossey says
Sounds great! Any help I an get planning meals is much appreciated!
Michelle Mossey recently posted..Nap-time Is For Suckers
lori butler says
i try to plan the meals, being more organized would help me
Sarah Lynn says
We don’t…which is why I could totally use this!
Sarah Lynn recently posted..Pamper Mom for Mother’s Day (#PGmom Review and Giveaway)
Stephanie LaPlante says
We don’t but really need too. This may save some sanity.
Stephanie LaPlante recently posted..Enter A Super Amazon #Giveaway CAN/US
Lisa BBL says
yes I do! I have a magnetic meal planner on the fridge :)
Nicole Robinson @TheBookWormMama says
I would love some help with meal planning. I usually just think of something on the way home. Do people really plan snacks? That’s wild.
Jaime @ Mom's Test Kitchen says
That organizer sounds great! So much nicer than the beat up spiral that I use!! :) I do plan our meals ~ I plan based around what I already have in the pantry & what’s on sale that week.
Thanks for the great giveaway Kerrie!
Jaime @ Mom’s Test Kitchen recently posted..Wine & Glue’s Birthday #Giveaway
MultiTestingMom says
I really need to start getting back into meal planning! It makes life so much easier.
MultiTestingMom recently posted..How to Back Up Your Blog Content and Template on Blogger
Leanne Norman says
I don’t plan my meals, but i’d love to! Definitely a great money saving idea.
andie says
We jsut use the calendar on the fridge but we all try to throw some ideas in there for meals. It’s made fun and we all get a choice at one point or another. Planning sometimes occurs int the grocery store as well.
Laurie B says
I usually plan a few days at a time so I can keep fresh food by going to the grocers every few days.
Jennifer L. says
I try to plan our meals. Sometimes I manage to do it and then other times I forget.
Erin says
I don’t plan my meals, but I need to. This would really help me out!
Holly Messana says
I don’t plan any meals….i really need to though.
Jonnie says
I do plan our meals. I use a calendar and a notepad.
Narathip Wall. says
I usually don’t plan. I buy what is on sale on that week and make up the meal. lol
Narathip Wall. recently posted..Somebody stole my green tea Frappuccino. Sigh.
kristy edgington says
curretly use a chalk board..but this weould be great too
Sydney D says
Don’t use a menu planner myself!
Maegan Morin says
Currently I do not plan our meals but i have always wanted to try. I know how much money it can save and im so tired of never knowing what to make!
Colleen at Forty Something Bride says
Organize? I figure it out about 30 minutes before I start cooking…I need the help…
Shari G says
I don’t currently, but I need to!
Shari G recently posted..Giveaway Listings
Jeannie says
I don’t plan our family’s meals, but I feel that I should.
Tara Crawford says
I only do that when I’m on a limited income and then I write on paper
Jeannie says
We go week to week. We are currently not really planning our family meals, although if certain grocery items are on sale, then we plan when we might eat it during the week.
michelle tremblett says
I try to organize our meals… i give it a good effort… doesn’t always work for me hehe
Nancy T says
I don’t meal plan at all! So many friends have said it saves time & money – I really need to start somewhere but keep procrastinating and saying I don’t have the time.
Teresa Claire says
I couldn’t leave home without my day planner and I also have a journal to keep me organized. I do meal plan but a few days a week are usually left open because we like to eat out once or twice a week. Planning meals works for me and my family…I always tend to make more healthy meals when I have prepared ahead of time.
Josie says
I don’t plan very far in advance but definitely want to start. Maybe winning this will help!
Andrea says
I do plan my meals (normally 1-2 weeks in advance) but I’m lame and use a piece of full scap paper and if I feel inspired I will transfer the meals to a calendar, but normally they don’t make if off the full scap paper lol
tennille says
No I am not a great planner—-in any aspect :)
tennille recently posted..Food Bank Friday Challenge #23
Tara Gauthier says
I do plan our meals, mainly just written on our calendar. Meals are planned around sales, what food is in the house. And sometimes what we are simply craving!
Angela Mitchell says
I need to get a better system for planning family meals because sometimes there is a last minute panic.
Dawn - Addicted to Recipes says
I do all the planning. Currently I write the plan on the wall calendar in our kitchen.
Dawn – Addicted to Recipes recently posted..Turkey Florentine Meatloaf
Jaime Stephens says
I plan…but I only use a free calendar I got at the bank! haha. This looks so much easier!
Nicole B says
I used to go by a bunch of weekly menu plans that I had made up which made grocery shopping easy but ever since the new baby has arrived its last minute planning each day!
Megan Bird says
I would love to win this organizer. I just got married last summer and I’m still learning how to run a house. I think this would help!
Darlene Schuller says
we plan our meals usually just a few days in advance, I use paper and pen lol
Maria says
I use the WW 365 Day Cookbook and Menu Planner….its kinda outdated but saves me from having to think about what to cook
LindaL says
ughhhh no planning at all… the freezer and take something out…..would love to try this book to get me on a better system!
Dreena says
No, sort of just wing it!! Sure could use this planner to get organised.
Kelsey Russell says
Yes I plan our meals, I haven’t found an organizational tool I love but right now I’m using a simple sheet that lays out the meals.
Stella L. says
I wish I could organize meals better.