If you’re working hard on losing body fat and developing lean muscle, it’s often frustrating to see you’re making slower gains than you want. What you could do with is something that boosts the processes in your body that get rid of fat and generate lean muscle, and helps you reach your goals without spending your entire life in the gym. If this sounds like the solution you’re looking for, then MK 677 is something you need to know about. Read on to discover what MK 677 is, why it’s controversial, whether it lives up to the hype, and what your other choices are.
What is MK 677
MK 677 (ibutamoren) is a substance that mimics the action of a natural hormone produced in the stomach called ghrelin. It’s a research chemical that stimulates the production of HGH (human growth hormone) and increases levels of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1). MK 677 was originally developed to treat growth hormone deficiency, but bodybuilders have discovered the benefits of using MK 677:
- to build up muscle,
- recover more quickly,
- improve sleep quality,
- increase bone density,
- among other benefits.
Although MK 677 is often referred to as a SARM (selective androgen receptor modulator), it isn’t – it’s an HGH secretagogue. SARMs need careful management and the use of a post-cycle therapy to restore your body’s hormone levels to normal. As it isn’t a SARM, MK 677 doesn’t lower your testosterone levels or affect testosterone production, so you don’t need to worry about post-cycle therapy unless you combine MK 677 with a SARM.
Product Information
Product | IBUTA 677 |
Form | Capsules |
Benefits | ✔️ Naturally increases HGH |
Package information | Bottle |
Means of administration | Oral |
Dosage | ✓ 10 mg per day for beginners; |
Supply for | 30 Days |
Customer review | Positive reviews available |
Price | $69.99 |
Shipping | Depends on the ordering platform |
Final rating |
What Are The Best Alternatives To Mk 677?
Crazy Bulk IBUTA 677
IBUTA 677 Somatropin stimulates your pituitary gland, so it releases more HGH into your bloodstream. Crazy Bulk say IBUTA 677 benefits users with quick fat loss, lean muscle gains, and faster recovery times. IBUTA 677 contains a blend of amino acids, much like Secretagogue-One, that boost HGH production, including Maca Root (Lepidium meyenii), Hawthorne Berry Extract (Crataegus laevigata), Mucuna Pruriens Extract 4:1 (Velvet beans), and L-Arginine (2-Amino-5-guanidinopentanoic acid). Crazy Bulk’s dosage recommendations are to take two capsules with water 20 minutes before eating breakfast. For the best results, they say you should use IBUTA 677 for at least two months in conjunction with a suitable diet and exercise program. They also say your work-out cycle should be two months on and one and a half weeks off.
When deciding which supplement to go for, you have to weigh up the advantages of the more dramatic effects you can achieve with MK 677 against the fact that it’s a banned substance, and not all its effects are yet understood. But there’s no denying that if you’re committed to optimal gains, MK 677 is hard to beat.
What Are The Ingredients Of Mk 677?
MK 677 products contain ibutamoren, a chemical that stimulates natural processes in the body.
How Does Mk 677 Work?
MK 677 works by binding to ghrelin receptors, leading to a direct increase in HGH production that in turn increases levels of IGF-1 in the body. Higher HGH levels promote widespread growth in your muscles and bones. Because MK 677 only affects the ghrelin receptors, you’re less likely to develop unwanted side effects.
- Increased muscle mass: MK 677 delivers similar results to steroids in terms of muscle development but doesn’t cause such serious side effects. MK 677 can also reduce fat deposits, helping you sculpt the perfect body shape.
- Increased strength: As your muscles increase in size, your strength increases as well. When you get stronger, you can lift heavier weights, which adds to the effectiveness of your work-outs. Users who are regular gym-goers are likely to get a significant boost from MK 677, but if you’re more of a couch potato, the effect is likely to be much less impressive.
- Fat loss: MK 677 improves certain metabolic processes in your body, so for example, you might start using fat as your primary energy source rather than carbs. That means your work-outs will burn body fat at a far faster rate than they did before. Overall, MK 677 helps to increase your weight with dense muscle while losing stubborn fat deposits.
- Increased bone density: Loss of bone density becomes more of an issue as we age, and it can cause osteoporosis, which makes your bones brittle, weak, and liable to fracture. On paper, MK 677 has the ability to reduce or even prevent bone density problems.
- Improved recovery: When you’re pushing your body hard, the muscle fibers start to break down. Your body does repair the damage, but as the intensity of your work-outs increases, the tissue repair process can’t keep pace, which leaves you vulnerable to injuries. When you’re taking MK 677, the tissue regeneration process speeds up, helping you avoid injury as well as adding to your bulk.
How Good Is The Effect Of Mk 677?
MK 677 delivers optimal results when you pair it with regular work-outs. It does work to an extent if you don’t exercise, but if you’re exercising, it acts as a catalyst to bring about the transformation in your body. By combining MK 677 with intense work-outs and a suitable diet, users report experiencing significant benefits after one cycle.
After a typical two-month cycle, the changes in your body will be noticeable. You’ll have lost a considerable amount of fat, and your muscles will be a lot bigger. MK 677 users say that they can maintain these improvements, particularly if they continue with an intensive exercise program. If you have difficulty sleeping or eating as much as you need to bulk up, you could gain a lot from using MK 677 as a bulking compound.
Mk 677 Clinical Studies Evaluation & Results 2025
MK 677 hasn’t been through all the tests and analysis necessary for there to be many clinical studies, but there is evidence to suggest it can make a significant difference to the levels of HGH in your body.
Is Mk 677 Safe To Use?
Due to the fact that MK 677 hasn’t been through enough clinical trials to prove its safety, it’s difficult to make a judgement on this question. Most of the information available on MK 677’s safety is anecdotal, but it does seem that, for the most part, people using MK 677 who stick to the recommended usage suffer no ill effects.
Where the main problems seem to arise is when users take more than the recommended dose, don’t stick to a sensible cycle, or take it when they aren’t suitable candidates. For example, many MK 677 supplements state that the product is only suitable for healthy male athletes over 21 and shouldn’t be taken by younger people or women, or anyone with a pre-existing medical condition or who is taking prescription medications.
The other issue is that as MK 677 is a banned substance, you could be in trouble if you’re subject to doping tests for sports or work. The bottom line is that MK 677 could be a safe and effective answer to fat burning and muscle gain for many people, but until there’s enough data to be sure, it’s best to be cautious.
How Do You Use Mk 677? Our Dosage Recommendation:
Each supplier or advocate of MK 677 is likely to have their own ideas of what’s a safe and effective dose. A good baseline seems to be the following guideline: Taking 10 mg per day of MK 677 won’t significantly increase your growth hormone levels, but will increase IGF-1. If increasing HGH levels is your main goal, taking 10-25mg of MK 677 a day should produce results without increasing your risk of side effects. Because MK 677 is so effective for bulking, many people suggest its best used as a bulking stack. You can combine it with a SARM (selective androgen receptor modulator) like Ligandrol or RAD 140 for bulking stacks and Ostarine or Andarine for cutting stacks. As MK 677 is still undergoing research at present, there’s insufficient clinical evidence to report confidently on the benefits and disadvantages of MK 677. However, there’s a large body of information gathered from people who’ve used it and reported their experiences. MK 677 isn’t a scam – it’s a genuine product that could have more uses than we’re currently aware of, but as it stands, we don’t know enough about the effects of MK 677 because it hasn’t been through all the necessary research protocols yet. MK 677 increases growth hormone levels, so users can expect to build muscle far more quickly than they could naturally. Many MK 677 users report gaining tremendous amounts of muscle and experiencing seismic changes in their physique. Some report that after one 12 week cycle on MK 677, they gained up to 15 pounds of muscle. Shark Tank frequently features businesses offering innovative products, but no one who sells a supplement containing MK 677 has ever been featured. The product itself is legit, in that it’s real and proven to have an effect on HGH production. However, there are warnings about MK 677 on the Internet for two reasons. Firstly, MK 677 is a banned substance in sports, and even possessing it could be illegal. Many of the warnings about MK 677 are there to make you aware that you’re buying an illegal product. Secondly, you’ll find there are warnings about the possible adverse effects of using MK 677, which hasn’t completed a full spectrum of clinical trials as yet. Therefore, choosing to use MK 677 is something you need to be sure about, having weighed up the pros and cons and considered what benefits you could gain from the product. MK 677 is technically a research compound, so that means it’s still the subject of studies into its potential uses and downsides, and in most places, you can’t legally buy MK 677. Very often, even possessing MK 677 without a prescription is illegal. Nevertheless, bodybuilders all over the world order MK 677 from suppliers online. Prices for a bottle of 60 x 20mg capsules ranges between $95 and $110, although for a bulk buy of 300 x 15mg capsules, you can pay a lot less per milligram at $199. The most important thing is to buy your MK 677 from a supplier who you can feel confident is offering the highest-quality product. You can’t currently buy MK 677 at pharmacies, as it’s an illegal substance in most places. However, you can purchase it from numerous outlets on the Internet. If you want to stop taking MK 677, you shouldn’t experience any adverse effects like withdrawal. In fact, you should avoid using MK 677 continuously, as you’re increasing the risk of side effects and potentially long-term damage. Furthermore, the benefits you gain from using MK 677 for 8-12 week periods seem to be maintained longer term, so you shouldn’t suffer a sudden loss of muscle mass or gain fat quickly. There doesn’t seem much doubt about the fact that MK 677 works and can have a dramatic effect on the conversion of fat to muscle that would be hard to achieve through exercise alone. Currently, though, the question of MK 677’s legal status hangs over things like a grey cloud. What we would love to see is some definitive evidence followed by changes in legislation that enables people to buy, use, and benefit from MK 677 without the cloud above their heads. Here are the answers to some of the common questions potential users of MK 677 are likely to ask:
Our Mk 677 Review And Rating: Mk 677 Pros And Cons:
Mk 677 Results Before And After: Does Mk 677 Really Work Or Is It A Scam?
After two weeks
After one month
After two months
After three months
Mk 677 Reviews On The Internet And In Forums:
Was Mk 677 In Shark Tank?
Is Mk 677 Legit Or Are There Any Warnings About Mk 677 On The Internet?
Where To Buy Mk 677? Our Mk 677 For Sale Offer & Price Comparison:
Can You Buy Mk 677 In The Pharmacy?
What Do I Have To Consider If I Want To Discontinue Mk 677?
Mk 677 Review Conclusion – Our Experiences And Recommendation:
Frequently Asked Questions About Mk 677:
Is Mk 677 Recommendable Or Are There Any Criticisms Of Mk 677?
Are There Any Mk 677 Deals Or Coupon Codes?
Who Is Behind The Manufacturer Of Mk 677?
Does Mk 677 Have Any Risks Or Side Effects?
Is The Continuous Use Of Mk 677 Safe?
Can You Buy Mk 677 On Ebay & Amazon?
Do I Need A Prescription To Buy Mk 677?
How Much Does Mk 677 Cost And Where Can I Buy Mk 677 With The Cheapest Price?