Penis enlargement devices and penis enlargement pills are searched for by thousands of men across the globe. Men with a small penis suffer low self-esteem because they know when it comes to impressing and satisfying their partners, size matters. If their penis size is small, they feel inadequate and because of this, many men even lack self-confidence. Men with a small penis find it difficult to discuss their issue with anyone. They secretly look for the best penis enlargement devices and try different penis enlargement medicines.
In order to help men increase their penis size, both in terms of the length of the penis and the girth of the penis, there are a number of penis enlargement devices and penis enlargement pills. A lot of research and testing is also conducted to come up with the most effective penis enlargement devices and penis enlargement medicine. As a result, we have a plethora of devices and medicines in the market today. Not every penis enlargement device you come across or every penis enlargement medicine sold on the market is useful. If you select your penis enlargement device or pills without adequate review and screening, there are chances that you end up with an ineffective solution. We also cannot deny the risks involved in selecting some random penis enlargement device or pill.
Do not worry, you will find here all the information you need to make the right choices when selecting your penis enlargement device or pills. You will certainly find the objective information on various popular penis enlargement devices and the most effective penis enlargement pills useful in your decision-making process.
What are Penis Enlargement methods?
There are different penis enlargement methods, and not all methods work equally well for everyone. You need to therefore explore the options that work the best for you. Some of the most common penis enlargement methods that you are likely to come across when you start searching for the best methods to increase the size of your penis. They include:
There are diverse views on the effectiveness of each one of these methods. Some feel that non-surgical methods do not work and others think that surgical methods are risky. Moreover, penis enlargement surgeries are performed only in extreme cases, but in general, such surgical interventions just for the sake of cosmetic reasons are discouraged. For our discussion here, let us group the penis enlargement methods under the following categories:
Penis Enlargement Pills
The first thing that you would come across when you explore more about penis enlargement pills is that penis enlargement pills have no scientific backing that they work and that there is no clinical evidence. On the other hand, brands that market penis enlargement pills claim that their pills work extremely well and that the users will be able to see a marked increase in the length and the girth of the penis.
You will come across a wide range of supplements sold under various names, including but not limited to male enhancement pills and penis enlargement pills. These penis enlargement pills are made of vitamins and minerals, synthetic concoctions and there are also penis enlargement pills that are made of natural ingredients and herbal or botanical ingredients.
Penis Enlargement Devices
There are a wide range of penis enlargement devices in the market, such as:
There are a number of reports indicating the effectiveness of the enlargement devices. Some brands claim that the use of their device for up to five months could help one increase their penis length up to three inches and their penis width or girth up to 30%. When compared to penis enlargement pills, penis enlargement devices are more readily accepted by the medical community, as there is enough proof for the effectiveness of penis pumps or vacuum pumps.
Penis Enlargement Pills and Devices Reviews & Comparison 2025: Best penis Enlargement
Before selecting your penis enlargement pills or devices, you need to take time to review as many options as possible. If you want to get the best results fast, avoid making hasty choices.
This will not only help you increase your penis size fast, but it will also help you get the best value for your money.
Penis Enlargement Devices
To help you make the right choices, we have carefully compared here some of the best and most popular penis enlargement devices so that you are not required to visit multiple platforms checking the effectiveness of the most popular penis enlargement devices.
1. Bathmate HydroXtreme 7
When you start searching for the best penis pumps online, one of the most popular options that you will come across is Bathmate HydroXtreme 7. When compared to the other penis pumps, this is an advanced version. This penis pump is designed for men who have an erect penis size of 5 to 7 inches. This penis pump is made of skin-safe materials.
HydroXtreme 7 is a water assisted vacuum pump for penis enlargement. The brand claims that water assisted vacuum is more effective as it exerts uniform pressure throughout the penis, producing better results. Another important feature of HydroXtreme 7 is that it has a handball which could be used to increase very high pressure levels. This product is priced around $299/ - for a single unit.
Bathmate HydroXtreme 7
✓ Boost blood flow, health and well-being. ✓ Approved by doctors, clinically tested. ✓ Improve your erection size and hardness.
Bathmate Hydromax 7 is another popular penis enlargement device that works under the principle of a vacuum pump. Hydromax 7 is from Bathmate, the company that manufactures HydroXtreme7. In principle, both Hydromax 7 and HydroXtreme 7 have the same pump design but the difference is in the additional handball that is supplied with HydroXtreme 7. Hydromax 7 is made of skin-safe materials. This penis pump is for men with an erect penis size of five to seven inches.
This penis pump has to be used in the bathtub or shower as it uses water assisted vacuum. The unique design of this penis pump helps you see a marked increase in the penis length and girth within three to five months. In order to get the best results, you need to use the penis pump for five days per week. The specially designed bellow ensures additional power and a better level of comfort. Bathmate Hydromax 7 is priced at $159/- per unit.
Bathmate Hydromax 7
✓ Penis Enhancement ✓ Bigger and Stronger Erections ✓ More Long-lasting Intercourse ✓ Improved Stamina
This is yet another popular penis pump from the same brand Bathmate. Unlike Hydromax 7, Hydromax comes in four sizes. You will get Hydromax for those with the following erect penis sizes – 3 inches, 5 inches, 7 inches and 9 inches. The seven inch Hydromax is called Hydromax 7, and it comes in two variants, namely Hydromax 7 and Hydromax 7 Wide Boy. The Wide Boy variant is for those with an extra thick penis. Like all the other Bathmate penis pumps, this penis pump also uses water assisted vacuum. This prevents unnecessary penis damage, which is likely in case of air assisted vacuum pumps. Hydromax penis pumps are made of skin-safe materials. The cost of the Hydromax penis pumps is as follows:
Hydromax3 – $129.00
Hydromax5 -$139.00
Hydromax7 -$159.00
Hydromax7 Wideboy -$179.00
Hydromax9 -$199.00
Bathmate Hydromax
✓ Boost blood flow, health and well-being. ✓ Approved by doctors, clinically tested. ✓ Improve your erection size and hardness.
Phallosan Forte is a vacuum pump that helps to increase the size of the penis through the vacuum pressure. Phallosan Forte boasts of its unique design, which allows you to wear the device even when you are in public. You can wear this device and go about attending your regular chores and no one would even know that you are wearing a penis enlargement device or a penis pump. You can use this penis pump in bed too while sleeping.
This device is found to be very effective in correcting penis deformations, such as penis curvature. Those who have Peyronie’s disease will suffer from penis curvature related issues. For such people, this device will prove to be very useful. The brand claims that the use of this device will not only increase the size of your penis, but it will also help you get a better erection. Phallosan Forte is priced at $379 per unit. This is a one time investment and you do not have to worry about buying any other replacement parts as the device is meant to last for years. You will be able to get the best results within three to five months of use.
Penomet is another highly effective penis pump that is worth considering when you are searching for the best penis enlargement devices. This wearable penis enlargement device comes with gaiters of various sizes. Each unit is supplied with multiple sized gaiters to help you increase the pressure as per your requirements. According to the brand, your penis size can increase up to three inches and your penis girth could increase up to 30%. Penomet is also useful for correcting penis curvature related issues. The brand claims that the regular use of Penomet will increase the sexual stamina. There are three types of Penomet penis pumps and the cost of each one of them is as follows:
Penomet Hydropump Premium – $297.00
Penomet Hydropump Extra – $197.00
Penomet Hydropump Standard – $127.00
✓ Increase in penis length up to 3 inches ✓ Increase in penis girth up to 30% ✓ Improved sexual stamina ✓ Pyronine’s Disease reversal
Price: $127-297
Penis Enlargement Pills
In case you are considering penis enlargement pills, you need to do your homework well in screening multiple options available in the market and select the safest option available. Let us explore some of the most popular and highly effective penis enlargement pills.
1. Viagra
It is hard to find someone that has not heard of Viagra. Regardless of whether one is looking for a male enhancement pill or not and regardless of whether one has any male sexual health-related concerns or not, they would have already heard about Viagra. This is one of the most popular pills for treating erectile dysfunction or ED. Viagra is an FDA-approved, prescription drug. Viagra is not intended or designed to increase your penis size. However, when you get a rock hard erection, your penis is likely to look bigger than normal. Viagra is noted for a wide range of risky side effects.
✓ Better erection
✓ Improves male’s sexual performance ✓ Increases body’s production of Nitric Oxide levels ✓ Spark male’s interest in sex
Cialis is the brand name drug for Tadalafil. This is an FDA-approved drug. To buy Cialis, you would need a doctor’s prescription. This pill is designed to treat erectile dysfunction. You will be able to get an erection in thirty minutes to one hour when you take this pill, provided there is sexual stimulus. Cialis is one of the most effective treatment options for impotence or erectile dysfunction. You need to be mindful of the negative side effects when using this supplement. Cialis may not be a good option if you are looking for a reliable penis enlargement pill.
Levitra is another prescription drug for erectile dysfunction. This is the brand name drug for Vardenafil. If you are suffering from erectile dysfunction or ED, you are likely to get some solace with the use of Levitra. You need to be, however, cautious of the negative side effects. Levitra is an FDA approved prescription drug for ED. This brand does not claim to increase the penis size. Often, this drug is mistaken to be a penis enlargement pill. It is instead an ED pill. You are likely to get better erections and it will make your penis look big.
Tadalafil is the generic version of Cialis. This drug is meant for those who have erectile dysfunction issues. You will be able to get an erection within an hour. This pill is an FDA approved ED treatment. You will need a doctor’s prescription to use this supplement or ED pill. Tadalafil is mistaken to increase penis size by many. This is just an ED treatment, and it will not increase your libido or increase your penis size.
MaasaLong is a highly effective erectile dysfunction treatment. This ED supplement is made of natural ingredients and you need not have to worry about any side effects which are common to the above pills. Your sexual stamina and sexual drive would be increased along with good quality erection. Those who use Maasalong regularly indicate that there is a marginal increase in the penis size. This, of course, will vary from person to person and you need to try MaasaLong to experience the results yourself.
✓ 100% natural & safe ✓ Sex Life Support ✓ Improved Sex Stamina
Yes, penis enlargement is possible. If you pick the right method to increase your penis size, it is possible to enlarge your penis. You can increase the penis length and also increase the penis girth.
How to use Penis Enlargement pills and devices for best results?
Penis enlargement pills increase the blood flow to your penis and thereby increase the size of your penis length and penis girth. Penis devices such as penis pumps, on the other hand, use vacuum pressure to increase the penis size. There are numerous penis pills and penis devices in the market.
You need to first understand how each one of these products works before selecting the right penis enlargement treatment.
For these pills and devices to produce the best results, you should make use of them regularly with patience.
You should not expect overnight results. Allow your body to respond to the chosen penis enlargement technique you have chosen and continue using the device for at least five months to experience the fullest benefits.
Penis Enlargement 2025 clinical trial assessment and results: Is Penis Enlargement safe?
There are several researches and clinical tests on penis enlargement pills and devices. You will come across a wide range of views. Do not be surprised if you come across diametrically opposing views about penis enlargement techniques. Penis enlargement is safe as long as you are picking the right device. You must learn to use your penis enlargement device correctly and use it only for the prescribed time.
Penis Enlargement results before and after: Does Penis Enlargement really work or is it a scam?
Penis enlargement devices work and they are highly effective. They are not scams. You just need to make certain that you are selecting the best penis enlargement device.
Penis Enlargement results after two weeks
This is too early to see any results. You will not notice any change in the penis size in the first weeks.
Penis Enlargement results after one month
When you use penis pumps regularly for one month, your erection quality and sexual stamina would have improved. However, it is still early to notice any changes in the length of the penis or the girth of the penis.
Penis Enlargement results after two months
You would start noticing the initial signs of penis enlargement. You will be able to see a measurable difference in the penis length increase.
Penis Enlargement results after 3 months
If you use penis pumps or penis enlargement device for three months continuously and if you use it for at least five days per week, you will be able to get the fullest benefits in three months.
Our Penis Enlargement review and rating: Penis Enlargement pros and cons:
Not everyone that uses penis enlargement devices or penis enlargement pills will produce the same results. What works for one may not work for another person. Therefore, you need to find out first what works for you the best and use that strategy consistently to achieve your penis enlargement goals.
Penis Enlargement positive reviews
Penis pumps helped me
I used penis pumps to increase the length of the penis size. My penis length increased from five inches to seven inches.
Penis Enlargement reviews on the internet and forums like Reddit:
There is no shortage of discussions online regarding penis enlargement devices and penis enlargement pills. However, for someone looking for good advice before deciding whether they should go for penis enlargement, these discussions online could prove to be highly confusing.
Is Penis Enlargement reputable or are there any warnings about Penis Enlargement on the internet?
There are warnings regarding penis enlargement pills. Penis enlargement devices such as penis pumps are safe for use and there aren’t any warnings. You just need to learn how to use penis enlargement devices correctly and pick the right device for your needs.
What do I need to consider if I want to discontinue using Penis Enlargement devices or pills?
Penis enlargement pumps should be used for a minimum of three to five months. If you are going to discontinue the use of penis enlargement devices before this recommended time span, then you will not be able to stabilize the results. Your penis size could shrink back to the original size. Similarly, the penis enlargement pills should be used for the prescribed time to sustain the results or else you will lose all the benefits.
Where can you buy Penis Enlargement devices and pills? Penis Enlargement devices and pills price comparison & deals for sale:
Check the respective brand websites to buy your penis enlargement devices and penis enlargement devices. You will find the best deals on the respective brand website.
Can you buy Penis Enlargement Pump or pills in a pharmacy?
Penis enlargement pumps or pills can be purchased directly from the brand website online. You will find the cheapest prices on the brand websites.
Penis Enlargement Review Conclusion - Our experience and recommendation:
Penis enlargement is a very controversial topic. There are a number of penis enlargement techniques. Some techniques are more effective than the others and some methods do not work at all or at least we do not have enough clinical evidence or proof. For example, penis enlargement pills do not have adequate clinical evidence for their effectiveness.
On the other hand, the medical community has generally approved the efficacy of the penis enlargement devices, such as traction devices, penis enlargement pumps or vacuum pumps. We also noted that even if the penis pumps are highly effective, they cannot produce overnight results. You need to select the right sized penis pumps and use it consistently for three to five months to get the expected results.
We recommend penis pumps or penis enlargement devices over penis enlargement pills.
Frequently asked questions about Penis Enlargement:
Do not worry if you have loads of questions and doubts regarding penis enlargement pills and devices. It is very common to have questions and doubts regarding this controversial topic.
How much does a penis enlargement pills cost and where can I buy penis enlargement pills for the cheapest price?
The cost of the penis enlargement pills varies depending on the brand you choose and on the strength of the pills that you purchase. The best place to find the cheapest prices for penis enlargement pills is the respective brand website or the official store of the brand.
How do penis enlargement pills work?
Penis enlargement pills increase the size of the penis by increasing the blood flow to the penis. This helps in getting better quality erection, which stretches your penis to the maximum possible level and thereby increasing the penis size.
What do penis enlargement pills do?
Penis enlargement pills claim to increase the length and the girth of the penis.
What are the best penis enlargement pills?
Maasalong is the best penis enlargement pill. It is made of all natural ingredients and it is safe to use this penis enlargement supplement.
What penis enlargement pills work?
Maasalong penis enlargement pills work. These pills have natural ingredients. They help you get much harder erection and when used regularly, it helps in increasing the size of your penis.
What are the side effects of penis enlargement pills?
Some of the most common side effects caused by penis enlargement pills include headache, nausea, vertigo, increased blood pressure, increased heart rate and heart attack. Often ED pills are considered to be penis enlargement pills,, and this is one of the major reasons for these negative side effects.
What happens when a girl takes penis enlargement pills?
Penis enlargement pills do not have any effect on women. Some think that using male enhancement products by women will increase their sex drive. If women want to increase their libido, then there are specific female enhancement pills or women libido pills. Penis enlargement pills are not for the use of women.
What happens if you take 4 penis enlargement pills?
This depends on the brand and the strength of the pills. Generally, what most people understand by penis enlargement pills is ED pills or erectile dysfunction pills. When you take 4 such pills, then you will suffer serious negative side effects. The strength of the pills will determine the nature and the intensity of the side effects. You need to be highly cautious with respect to the dosage of the penis enlargement pills.
Are there any Penis Enlargement devices and pills deals or coupon codes?
You can find the best deals on penis enlargement devices and pills from the official stores or the recommended brand websites. From time to time each brand changes their offers and deals.
Is it possible to buy Penis Enlargement devices and pills on eBay and Amazon?
Yes, but we recommend that you purchase the penis enlargement devices and pills directly from the official website or the brand website so that you can assure yourself of genuine products. There are many fake and counterfeit products in the market and they could have poor results and negative side effects.
Are there any criticisms of Penis Enlargement?
There are many diverse views and opinions about penis enlargement. Some methods attract more criticism than the others. For example penis enlargement pills are more criticized when compared to penis enlargement devices. You need to follow the right usage guidelines so that you do not run into any issues.
Does Penis Enlargement have any risks or side effects?
As long as you follow the right usage guidelines and dosage guidelines, you do not have to worry about any risks or side effects.
Is it safe to take Penis Enlargement pills continuously?
It may not be safe to take penis enlargement pills continuously unless the pills you have selected have all natural ingredients and are available in low dosage strengths. Check the packaging details for the maximum duration for which you could take the pills.
CIALIS- tadalafil tablet, film coated, Accessed From:, Accessed Date: 5 Jan 2022.
Clinical trial of a simplified vacuum erection device for impotence treatment, Accessed From:, Accessed Date: 5 Jan 2022.
Counterfeit Versions of Cialis tablets identified entering the United States, Accessed From:, Accessed Date: 5 Jan 2022.
External Penile Rigidity Devices - Class II Special Controls Guidance Document for Industry and FDA Staff, Accessed From:, Accessed Date: 5 Jan 2022.
Penis enlargement, Accessed From:, Accessed Date: 5 Jan 2022.
Penis pump, Accessed From:, Accessed Date: 5 Jan 2022.
Questions and Answers for Cialis (tadalafil), Accessed From:, Accessed Date: 5 Jan 2022.
Should you take a daily erectile dysfunction pill?, Accessed From:, Accessed Date: 5 Jan 2022.
Study of Tadalafil Once-a Day for 12 Weeks in Men With Signs and Symptoms of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, Accessed From:, Accessed Date: 5 Jan 2022.
Tadalafil in the treatment of erectile dysfunction, Accessed From:, Accessed Date: 5 Jan 2022.
The science of vacuum erectile device in penile rehabilitation after radical prostatectomy, Accessed From:, Accessed Date: 5 Jan 2022.
About Dr. John
Dr. John Apolzan ist Arzt mit mehr als 10 Jahren Erfahrung im Bereich Ernährung und hat an der Purdue University, IN, USA, in Lebensmittel- und Ernährungswissenschaften promoviert. Dr. John Apolzan ist ein bekannter medizinischer Autor und seine Arbeit wurde in einer Reihe von medizinischen Publikationen veröffentlicht, darunter und Google Scholar.