Babies and toddlers can begin learning with their playtime, and our sponsors have shared some of their top picks for amazing educational and comfort gift ideas for your kids. The items we have chosen below include simple additions to a bedtime routine that help your kids transition from needing help falling asleep to being comforted on their own. Other great items are a fun transition into learning that make them feel like big kids in a safe way. Check out our picks for some of the best comfort and learning gift ideas for babies and toddlers this year. (Phentermine)
Comfort And Learning Gift Ideas For Babies & Toddlers
Charley The Chameleon: This fun stuffed companion is designed to help your baby or toddler drift to sleep easier at bedtime. Not only is it a soft plush toy, it has amazing light up features and soft music to help your baby or toddler feel comforted at bedtime. This is an ideal toy to use for those transitions from being rocked to sleep to going to sleep on their own.
Sweet Dreams On The Go – Blue Bear: This simple clip on musical bear is a perfect addition to any diaper bag. Not only is it compact enough to go everywhere you go, it has amazing musical and sound options that are designed to be soothing to your baby or toddler. Clip onto the carseat, side of their crib, or keep on hand in your diaper bag for those times your baby is fussing and you can’t soothe them easily.
[easyazon_link identifier=”B01JA24F4A” locale=”US” tag=”famfooandtr06-20″]Teletubbies Lullaby Laa Laa[/easyazon_link]: Our favorite fun colorful characters are back with an exciting relaunch of their characters and brand. This fun Lullaby accessory is a great addition to your routine to help your kids get excited about the upcoming launch of a classic kids show. Tune in on Family Jr. weekdays at 9:00 AM and weekends at 8:45AM to see the fresh new look of the Teletubbies.
Hexbug Nano Junior: We are huge fans of the Hexbug and very excited to see this in a preschool friendly version. Kids as young as 18-months can have fun playing with the rubberized Hexbug that is so much like the original version, only safe for toddler and preschool use.
Care For Me Learning Carrier: Pets are a huge part of most family lifestyles. This year, you can grab the Care For Me Learning Center to help your toddlers learn more about how to care for their pet. This is a great introduction to responsibility and play with animals, and works perfectly to teach your toddler and preschooler about pet care.
If you are looking for some great gift ideas, this list is ideal to begin. From using comforting items to self-soothe back to sleep, to the fun educational aspect of the Hexbug or the Care For Me Learning Carrier, these are Gift Ideas For Babies and Toddlers are gift ideas that every parent will love seeing under the tree.
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