Vaccinations to me are an essential part of keeping my family healthy. They are a non-negotiable and something I do not take for granted. I’ve received a flu shot every year, been vaccinated against countless vaccine preventable diseases and lead a healthy life free of illnesses. Illnesses my ancestors were terrified of. I’ve travelled the world knowing that my body had already developed antibodies against some of the diseases I could come in contact with. Why I vaccinate comes down to safety, the health of my family and an effective health care system I am fortunate enough to have access to.
My mom is one of the many reasons I keep myself and my boys up-to-date with our vaccinations. When my mom was in cancer treatment, it really hit home how my decisions regarding vaccinations had a direct and potentially serious impact on her health. With almost no immune system she would not have been able to fight off a simple flu. Other diseases could have been fatal. I quickly understood that vaccines are part of a healthy lifestyle because they strengthen the immune system and prevent the spread of illnesses to others.
Travelling and working in communities around the world has taught me to never take for granted the access we have as Canadians to excellent health care..
While doing service projects in Kenya and Ecuador, it became apparent quickly that health care was something desperately needed in these places. In countries where infant mortality rates are high, and disease spreads quickly, people would do anything to have access to free and easily accessible vaccinations. Before traveling to these countries, I needed five vaccinations and daily anti-malaria pills. I had the experience of a lifetime and came home healthy.
Thanks to vaccines, infectious diseases that were the leading cause of death worldwide 100 years ago are now the cause of less than five per cent of all deaths in Canada. That’s amazing! Vaccines have saved the lives of more babies and children than any other medical intervention in the last 50 years. If you have school-aged children, they need to have proof of specific vaccines to attend school. Click here for more information.
Vaccines are so important for our health, our safety and they are truly the definition of prevention is the best medicine. A simple injection provides your body with the ability to create antibodies that keep you healthy for years to come. Why will I always vaccinate? Because it is safe, effective and the best decision for my family’s health.
This post was developed in association with the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. The opinions of the author are their own.
Getting immunized is an important part of creating a foundation for a healthy life. If you’re on the fence about immunizing, here’s the information you need to make an informed decision for your family.
Great points for sure, once you travel and see a bit of the world, you really realize how fortunate we are to have access to free vaccinations and how they are keeping us all healthy.
Jennifer (momvstheboys) recently posted..Bake Sale Treats the Kids will line up for!
I would love to do a post on this, but I know a few people who would jump all over it with comments. I vaccinate. I have cousins who do not and will give you a list of reasons why. It is scary to think that people don’t. But it is there choice.!! Great post!!
Tammy B recently posted..You’re a Blogger and get Free Stuff, I should Blog Too!
I agree with you and I vaccinate as well. I understand that some people don’t but for my family and for our health it is imperative. I have had some friends as well with small people who have had cancer and for them, if we had not been vaccinated we would have been unable to hang out with them at all. It would not have worked and it might have put them at greater risk. There are so many reasons to vaccinate. It really is a blessing that we have vaccines available for free here in this country of privilege.
Great points! I see the value in vaccinations and have all my kids’ vaccinations up to date. What I do worry about is the vaccines that have been rushed through the process (i.e. Chicken pox). I don’t know if they are as important and the ones that have been given for years.
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I vaccinate because I find it is my duty as a parent to protect my child. I am blessed to live in a developed world where I have access to medications
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I am so glad that we are a pro-vaccinating family. It’s our responsibility to do our part to prevent an otherwise preventative illness in our home and our surrounding area. I just came from LA where all my friends are living in absolute fear because of the measles outbreak. It worries me that we even have to worry as pro-vaccine families, especially if the majority of the kids in our surrounding area is anti-vaccine.
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Having a sister with Leukemia and having had a preemie, I truly understand just how important it is to vaccinate and keep on top of the vaccination schedule. Not getting vaccinated is pretty irresponsible since it directly affects the health of those with suppressed or developing immune systems.
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I don’t get why people are so against vaccinations, it’s an argument that I don’t think makes sense.
The only reason I would be against vaccinations is that some of them contain preservatives and nerotoxins. Otherwise they are definitely necessary and have been proven countless times to not cause autism.
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