Envirokidz are a favourite snack at our house. My kids love asking for cereal and bars by the animal on the box rather than the flavour. Lots of requests for Gorilla cereal and Koala bars at our house! My favourite part of Envirokidz is the low sugar and organic ingredients. While my boys think they are getting a great treat I know that they have snacks and cereal that tastes great and is good for them too. What makes EnviroKidz even better is that they commit to giving back with 1% of sales goes to help endangered animals, and they want to spread awareness of the SEE Turtles project sending families on a once-in-a-lifetime experience to save the Sea Turtles in Costa Rica! We have a great giveaway that includes a variety of EnviroKidz Crispy Rice bars and product vouchers, plus you will also receive a SEE Turtles Adoption Certificate. SEE Turtles was launched in 2008 as the world’s first effort to protect these species through ecotourism, and will be hosting the conservation activities as part of the Envirokidz larger Envirotrip Contest (outlined below).
Win a trip of a lifetime with the EnviroTrip Contest:
EnviroKidz is sending three lucky families on an EnviroTrip to Costa Rica to help save the sea turtles at SEE Turtles, a non-profit wildlife conservation travel operator in the beautiful OSA peninsula. Three lucky winners and their families (three groups of 4 people) will get an all-expense paid trip to Costa Rica in March 2015. They will spend three days working with Costa Rican organization SEE Turtles to catch endangered green and hawksbill sea turtles in the Golfo Dulce, a beautiful gulf located alongside the Osa Peninsula. They will help researchers set out nets, measure the turtles, and collect important data before releasing them back to the water. In addition, the winners will participate in a mangrove restoration project, helping to plant two species of mangrove trees that are critical to turtles and other wildlife of the Gulf. Finally, the winners will visit a chocolate farm to see how the world’s favourite treat is made! To enter and learn more, visit EnviroKidz.com
I like the berry blast crispy rice bars
I have never tried any but the Peanut Butter Panda Puffs look really good
I have never tried EnviroKidz before but I would like to try the Peanut Choco Drizzle Crispy Rice Bars.
I have not tried any of the EnviroKidz products however, I only buy organic foods so I am excited to learn about this company. I think the Peanut Choco Drizzle™ Crispy Rice Bars would be a favorite in my family.
We love their Peanut Butter Crispy Rice Bars!
My son loves the berry blast puffed rice bars!!
I like the Berry Blast bars
we purchase Nature’s Path all the time, but we have not tried any of the Envirokidz
we have not tried any but theses sound good Peanut Choco Drizzle™ Crispy Rice Bars
I think the Berry Blast bars are great!
I like the krispy rice snacks.
I have never tried any but I know my kids would love the crispy bars!!
The Cinnamon Jungle Munch Cereal sounds good!
I’d like to try the Chocolate Choco Chimps!
My favorite is the Chocolate Choco Chimps
Berry Blast Crispy Rice
We love their Peanut Choco Drizzle Crispy Rice Bars
I like the Peanut Choco Drizzle Crispy Rice Bars
new to us – Peanut Choco Drizzle Crispy Rice Bars – sound great. thanks
Peanut Butter Crispy Rice Bars!
I would love to try the Peanut Choco Drizzle Crispy Rice Bars.
I like the Peanut Butter Crispy Rice bars the best.
We love the peanut butter crispy rice bars!
My favorite product is the Peanut Butter Panda Puffs.
My kids would live to try the Crispy peanut bars.
the berry blast bars are fabulous!
We love the Peanut Butter and Chocolate Leapin’ Lemurs Cereal.
the Berry blast puffed rice bars
I like the chocolate crisp bars!
I would like the Peanut Choco Drizzle Crispy Rice Bars
The berry blast bars!
We love the Chocolate Choco Chimps
My favourite is the Panda Puffs
we like the Berry Blast bars .
The PB Panda Puffs are so tasty.
missbobloblaw recently posted..Why You Should Join the Influenster Community (#InfluensterCA)
Panda Peanut Butter Crispy Rice Bar is our favorite, I have not tried their cereal yet but plan too
I like the Chocolate Koala Crisp Cereal.
Leapin Lemurs Cereal
berry blast bars
Oh we love their Gorilla Munch® Cereal!
the Peanut Choco Drizzle
The PB Panda Puffs are delicious
Peanut Butter Crispy Rice Bars
like the berry blast bars
I love the Berry Blast bars!
I like the Peanut Butter Crispy Rice Bars.
The Berry Blast bars are great.
I would have to say the Chocolate Choco Chimps!
Stephanie LaPlante recently posted..FunDayMental Friday
Peanut Butter Crispy Rice bars. I’m celiac, so these are a real treat!
I like the Gluten free Gorilla Munch cereal the best.
my favorite is berry blast crispy rice bars
Have not tried any yet.
Peanut Butter Crispy Rice Bars!
Haven’t tried any yet either, but the peanut butter and chocolate rice bars both look so yummy!
I have never tried EnviroKidz before but the Peanut Choco Drizzle Crispy Rice Bars look good.
I have not tried any yet but the berry blast sounds good!
My favorite product is Peanut Choco Drizzle™ Crispy Rice Bars
The Peanut Butter Panda Puffs
the berry cereal bars – my son loves the peanut butter ones too, but we dont often buy them, as he cant take them to school :)
I have never bought before but the berry crispy rice bars sound yummy
tennille recently posted..Food Bank Friday Challenge #52
Koala Chocolate Crispy Rice Bars are my favourite Envirokidz Product.
We enjoy all of them.
My kids love the cereal with the Koala on it.
Margarita recently posted..Protect Your Skin This Fall with Aveeno & Neutrogena
would love to try these
the berry blast rice bars
I have never had them before but I would love to try the Peanut Choco Drizzle Crispy Rice Bars!
Peanut Butter Crispy Rice Bars!
I love the Berry Blast!
Peanut Butter Crispy Rice and the Peanut Butter Cereal
I like their Chocolate Crispy Rice Bars.
Berry blast bars.
Im not sure I have never tried them
We’ve not tried them yet, but I think m kids would love them all.
Randi S recently posted..Finley Grace, 13 Months.
I love the rice bars!!!