Are you headed on a road trip this summer? If so, this post is for you!
To celebrate summer and all things road trip I am excited to have some great tips from Ted Mansell, Service Technician and longstanding Hyundai Canada team member. Ted has been working on Hyundai vehicles for 30 years and has a wealth of knowledge on exactly what you need to keep yourself and your family safe this summer.
Tips for a Safe Summer on the Road
#1 Say hello to sunshine: Now that winter is over, it’s time to transition your vehicle into summer mode. Here are a few things you need to do:
- Change from winter to summer tires. Winter tires lose their grip and longevity as the temperature rises.
- Change your wiper blades if they are streaking and damaged from freezing in the winter.
- Brush-up on your owner’s manual! A “check engine” light can come on for hundreds of reasons, so it’s important to know what to do if it lights up.
- Check your fluid levels. Today’s engine compartment design makes it easy to check the minimum and maximum levels for most of your fluids.
- When washing, remember to spray underneath your vehicle to clean the corrosive salt from all the nooks and crannies.
#2 Take time for your tires: Did you know that half of all breakdowns happen due to low tire pressure? The easiest thing to do is a circle check around your vehicle every time you go to drive your car. The front tires will naturally look softer than the rears, as they carry the most weight. Here are some helpful hints:
- Check your tire pressure once a month. Use the ideal tire pressure found on a label on the driver’s door jam and not the number on the tire itself. The one on the tire is its maximum rating, which could cause a harsh ride and uneven tire wear.
- Avoid overfilling your tires. Use a quality air pressure gauge to be certain.
- Under and over inflated tires increase fuel consumption, so keep them properly inflated for your wallet and your safety!
#3 Refresh your memory about your spare tire Surprisingly, many Canadians do not! Know where it is and how to access it. You will also want to think about:
- You may need to use a custom wrench to release it from its mounting. Each vehicle is different so be sure to find out what type you need and how to use it.
- Spare tires lose air over time, so ensure your spare is properly inflated before embarking on any road trip. The ideal pressure is also on the driver’s door jam.
#4 Adopt your very own vehicle safety checklist: Quality time on the road means mastering your vehicle safety checklist. Here is what should be on yours:
- Do a circle check before every trip and look at the tires. Apply tips above if needed.
- Make sure your lights are working. Be sure to check your headlights and tail lights.
- Get a full service vehicle check-up once a season.
- Ensure you know where your spare tire is and know how to change the tire yourself.
#5 Pack smart for your road trip: In your vehicle you should always have:
- Air pressure gauge
- Booster cables
- Gloves for changing tires
- Safety cones
- Portable air compressor
- Blankets
- Tire wrench
If you are heading on a road trip with kids check out my helpful tips, but most of all have fun!
Ultimate summer safety giveaway
I am giving away a prize pack from Hyundai Canada that will ensure you have a safe summer on the road. Your prize pack includes:
- Foam and FLC Lined Gloves
- Tire Fix Heavy Duty Pressure Gauge
- Marker Cones, 12-in, 4-pk
- Rain-X Summer Washer Fluid
- Prestone Long Life Antifreeze/Coolant
Contest open to Canada – ends June 7
I need the Foam and FLC Lined Gloves for changing my tires.
Sadly, I can use all of these things. The cones would be really nice. My husband helps travels that have slid off the road (in winter) and cones to mark the slipper area would be great.
I need the marker cones because I don’t have anything right now to warn others if our car was to break down on the side of the road
Jonnie recently posted..I’m Heading To Stars on Ice Courtesy of Jergens Skin Care {Giveaway}
I am going on vacation this summer to Toronto , I will be driving 18 hours on route and for me I would feel like I would need ◾Tire Fix Heavy Duty Pressure Gauge for a safer trip :)
We need the Marker Cones!
Marker Cones! You never know when you might need it, especially since I do a lot of driving on highways and in rural areas at all times of the day and night.
I could use the Tire Gauge. I am always wishing I had one in my car!
Probably the washer fluid because we never have any in the car when we run out
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We really could use the Rain-X Summer Washer Fluid because we are going to be doing a few long drives this summer
The summer coolant is what we will probably need, hopefully we will be travelling down east, but in a 2001 Acra. here is hoping
Booster cables is missing from my current emergency kit
We don’t have any marker cones and I’ve never even thought about needing them before until now.
The Marker Cones! Could always come in handy.
I need the Rain-X Summer Washer Fluid because we are on the road all the time in all weather conditions.
The Tire Fix Heavy Duty Pressure Gauge. It would be a good reminder for me to check my tires more often.
I need the Tire Fix Heavy Duty Pressure Gauge the post. I don’t have a tire gauge and usually only check every now and again at the gas station.
I could use a Tire Fix Heavy Duty Pressure Gauge so I could check the pressure in my car’s tires.
The Marker Cones~as you never know when you car will break down on the highway.
Deb K recently posted..Cariloha Bamboo Clothing Giveaway! 6/17
The tire gauge for sure :) I don’t drive, but it would be great for my husband!
Tire Fix Heavy Duty Pressure Gauge is something I need the most!
I would love to have the marker cones to put out in an emergency.
I think the whole kit is needed, since I got my van a year ago I really have never bother to check what I have….bad!
tennille recently posted..Chicken, Cheese and Asparagus Bundles {Recipe}
I think I would need the Tire Fix Heavy Duty Pressure Gauge the most because it’s so important to make sure the tires are at its proper pressure not just for gas mileage, but also for safety.
The Marker Cones would be very handy as I don’t have anything to indicate an emergency and create a safer zone.
Those are all great tips. I will show this to my husband!
Robin (Masshole Mommy) recently posted..20 Sweet Strawberry Recipes
Rain-X Summer Washer Fluid because our windows need to be constantly cleaned from the bugs and dust!
These are great tips! People don’t realize how much their driving habits differ from season to season. Additionally heat and driving conditions change drastically too.
Thank You Fir The Great Tips & Ideas I Will Be Traveling A LOT This Summer!
I need a tire gauge, I had one in my car but I think the kids got to it :)
Jenn recently posted..Best Buy Gifts For Dad on Father’s Day #GreatestDad
In the summer you can never have to much Rain-X Summer Washer Fluid! I would definately be happy to have that!
Rain-X for sure! I always having trouble seeing the road in rain storms so this would help.
Lisa recently posted..BBQ Savings + Summer BBQ Savings Sweepstakes
These are great tips. I think I always forget about fluids.
Toni recently posted..Robert Stromberg Unleashes His Magic As Director of Maleficent #MaleficentEvent
These are all good tips. I like that the summer safety kit (in the giveaway) comes with cones!
Rosey recently posted..Winner Announcement
We just had my car oil changed. My husband wants to rotate the tires as well. Thank you for your helpful tips. These tips will make summer drive fun and safe with the family :-)
Jessica Cassidy recently posted..Banana Boat sunblock lotion is one buy get one in our local pharmacy
These are good tips. Most of us here use all-season tires but I know 1 or 2 people that use winter tires that might not realize.
valmg @ Mom Knows It All recently posted..REVIEW AND GIVEAWAY – The Adventures of Chuck & Friends: Top Gear Trucks DVD
Portable air compressor, what a good item to have!
Marker Cones because you never know when you could break down
I need the Rain-X Summer Washer Fluid because I’m always running out!
Prestone Long Life Antifreeze/Coolant. I live in the middle of no where so if my vehicle over heats i’m hooped.. this would help me out a WHOLE lot!
the heat safe gloves, because even if you have coolant, how are you going to get it in the rad?
Portable air compressor because my tires always seem to lose air
We could sure use the Marker Cones. We do a lot of driving to visit family and friends out of town and I have seen how visible these Cones are and a help to us and the other drivers.
I would need marker cones as I don’t have any.
Jennie Yuen recently posted..Nature Photography: Dragonfly vs. Damselfly
We have marker cones for the truck of course but do not have any in the car so that would be handy and important
Marker Cones! We don’t have any in our car!
I think the Foam and FLC Lined Gloves would be great for my car!
Marker Cones, 12-in, 4-pk in case my car stalls on the highway waiting for CAA
Foam and FLC Lined Gloves. thanks
The Foam and FLC Lined Gloves and the marker cones.
I need the Tire Fix Heavy Duty Pressure Gauge in y car , I don’t like trying to use the pressure gauge at the pumps.
We most need the Rain-X Summer Washer Fluid as we are always running out!
I think the Rain-X Summer Washer Fluid would be great to have on hand.
the Marker Cones, 12-in, 4-pk would be great to have in the trunk for emergencies