I’m excited to be offering you, my wonderful readers a fantastic opportunity to enter to win CASH! $300USD cash is the perfect prize to purchase that outdoor furniture you’ve been eyeing or for new Spring clothes for your kids. Whatever you spend it on, I hope you win! Don’t forget to read all the contest rules. Happy Spring!
Welcome to the Clean Sweep Cash Giveaway
Organized by: DownshiftingPRO
Winter is finally winding down and its time to do some Spring Cleaning and Sweeping.
We are feeling very energized and want to motivate you. DownshiftingPRO and a group of Canadian Bloggers want to help you celebrate
We have come together to give away
$300 USD
Cash via Paypal
Enter below
Remember: You can’t Win if You don’t Enter
Contest Rules: To enter, just use the Giveaway Tools form above. In order to win, you must have a Paypal account (no other form of payment will be issued). If it doesn’t load after a minute or so, refresh your browser. Contest is void where prohibited. Only one IP address per household is eligible to win. This giveaway is open to World Wide to Paypal account holders, aged 13 and older. Giveaway ends April 30, 2014 at 11:59pm ET. Winner will have 48 hours to claim their prize otherwise a new winner will be chosen. No exceptions to this rule. . Good luck!
I’d buy something or pay off a bill.
I would buy beauty products and new sport shoes
I’d buy some clothes.
I would hire a cleaning lady for awhile. I am exhausted!
I would use it to organize and clean the kitchen
We need a new vacuum, so I would use the money towards that.
I would use it to clean and organize our bedroom and kitchen!
Tasha recently posted..Ongoing Canadian Friendly Giveaway Linky! – Week of April 4th
I would “clean and sweep” my pantry, with nw healthy foods from the Low-Carb Grocery!
I would use the money to make some much needed repairs around my house
I would clean and sweep my garden with a new rototiller.
I need to finish redoing my bedroom! …& our basement needs a lot of organization.
Stephanie LaPlante recently posted..FunDayMental Friday
I buy an smartphone Samsung Galaxy SIV mini
I’d clean and sweep my home office with new paint and a new rug.
I would love to buy new bedding for my room!
I would put the cash toward buying the things I need for our family reunion in July, 2014, that I am hosting. Thank you for another super giveaway opportunity. Please continue with the terrific blogging.
With $300 USD I would clean and sweep my tumbleweed home, which needs plenty of organizing tricks and devices to keep tiny living manageable!
i’d love to get new flooring for the living room, just in time for spring
This would be amazing – clean my own apartment and then proceed to help my sister clean her
home. We are both working women and this would assist us more than you know…..looking forward to
being a ‘winner’
I would use it for new flooring for my kitchen.
I would use it to clean and sweep my garden!
Yep, need to strip & retile the kitchen… this will help.
I would actually have money that the Wife hasn’t laid claim to!
I need to buy some stuff to keep my cat litter from tracking around the apartment floor
I would definitely pay off some bills and use the rest to spoil myself with something nice
Id put it towards a plane ticket to go and visit my baby sister… She’s pregnant with her first babe :)
To help with my granddaughter’s upcoming wedding
Would clean sweep and paint my garage
My laptop stopped working today so I would use the money to go toward a new laptop. Thanks for the giveaway.
Organize the house, clean out my closet!
Defiantly pay off some bills !
I would spend it on outdoor furniture!!
A new vacuum – my old one doesn’t pick up all the pet hair…
i’d use it for a new spring wardrobe
I would clean livingroom and give it a new paint job.
I will use to buy much needed food.
I’d use this to refresh the linens throughout the house.
food and cleanners
I would put it towards organising my laundry room
I would finish the walk in closet I have been planning, so I can finally “clean and sweep” my room! :)
put it towards my mortgage
Kinda boring, but my front door needs a new lock!
I would take a class
The laundry closet and under the sinks is next on the list but needs storage and sorting supplies to be most successful, so this would really help!
Clean and organize my closet.
I would use the money for a new iPhone or to move away.
I need a rain barrel and a composter
I would use the money to organize my bathroom clutter!
I would clean out my closets.
I would spend on money on a trip with my hubby and kids after I cleaned out my garage which is in terrible shape as we are under reno’s!
I would get some paint and cleaning supplies and some accessories and redo the girls room and my bathroom.
I need some new clothes.
I would put it toward redoing my bedroom! It desperately needs a clean and sweep!
I would use it towards my University tuition!
I would let my wife/daughter decide what to do with the money.
I would definitely spoil myself with some beauty supplies… And get my husband and dog a little something too :P
I would get someone to spring clean the house!
I would buy a new vacuum as mine has decided to quit! My house is in need of a serious ‘clean &sweep’ as I have 3 furry kitty cats who are shedding their winter coats all over my house!!
Thank you for this chance :)
I would clean sweep my monthly student loan payment!
I’d have my carpets done in a cleep sweep as they need it bad!
Would clean and sweep in my closets and garage !
I would pay off bills!
I’d use the money to “sweep” away bills!
Book a wee holiday !
I’d clean and sweep my credit card debts. Thanks for the great international giveaway!
I would go through and dry clean all of the bedding and curtains in my house. That would make the house WAY more allergy friendly.
Alex recently posted..Working with a Stand Up Desk
I would use it towards the front driveway and walkway of the house, it needs a good spring cleaning after this harsh winter. Road salt everywhere.
Kevin Linkie
Kevin Linkie recently posted..Todays CAN Sweepstakes postings 4/13/2014 – Will you win?
I’d probably get some fun clothes.
Clean sweep my yard so the kids can have a nice play area this Summer
I would put it towards bills
I’m saving up to get an apartment with my brother :)
I would use it for food & household items. Goodluck everyone!! Peace :)
The bathroom is what I’d have cleaned.
I would buy some toner cartridges for our color laser printer and also pay some bills.
David Smith recently posted..Kindle Fire HDX Giveaway #giveaway
I would clean and sweep my whole house, which is full of dust from recent renos
I’d buy books and cookbooks!
I’d get new bedding
would use the money to get my Mother new shoes & clothing that she really needs badly but is too broke to get herself.
Will look around for something to gift my mom :) xx
I would clean out the backyard so I can put some furniture in the back
I’d clean and sweep the yard, because I need a new porch.