With March Break on the horizon we could all use some extra cash! Â Whether you are opting for a Staycation, a Vacation or childcare/camp for your kids extra cash is always welcome.Â
I’ve team with some great bloggers to bring this fantastic PayPal Giveaway so you can enter to win $250 USD.Â
This Paypal giveaway is open worldwide and ends March 7, 2014.Â
Good luck!
This PayPal Giveaway for March Break  ($250 USD PayPal cash) is open World Wide from February 24th- March 7th. Winner will be emailed as soon as chosen and will have 48 hours to respond before a new winner is chosen. All entries will be verified.  Thank you to Ninja Mommers  for putting this giveaway together. This giveaway is not sponsored by PayPal. (Ambien)
shopping while on vacation
I’d like to take my son on a mini-Vacation and do some outings in Toronto.
I would love to go to seattle
I would definitely go shopping for some new clothes. Very needed.
Stephanie LaPlante recently posted..FunDayMental Friday
I’d use it to stock up on some grain free pantry items, like almond and coconut flour, coconut oil and coconut sugar.
i would take my nephews to disneyland.
There is so much great online shopping and I am working out trying to get healthy I might need new clothing by then.
Kim recently posted..Win a Fujitsu ScanSnap SV600
Put it towards taking a trip somewhere
I would love to take a trip to the city with my kids , it has been a long while and it would be alot of fun , there is so much to do there
Some books to read while I am recovering from surgery.
I would use the money to go away for a few days to a hotel with the family.
i want a threadmill
I am from ohio so I would love to go to Cali
We will be sending the kids on a trip during March Break. Son will be home with us :)
I’d love to buy a smallish exercise bike my apartment so I can get in workouts when the trek in the blistering cold is too much.
Road Trip
I would use it to buy some great books to read over March break! Also some tasty treats! And I’d use any money left to take my boyfriend out to dinner!
I would love to buy some new shoes for being on the treadmill. I have been dedicated to using it but it has worn out the shoes I have now.
This money would be great to pay some bills.
I would love to go on a little trip to Fredricton. Maybe take the kids out to eat.
I would love to spend it towards accessories for my wedding dress
My old computer needs some upgrades.
I would use the money to go see my daughter.she is 2 hours away in college.take her out shopping.
I’d love to use it to buy some new books to read over spring break
I would use the $250 towards an Xbox One for my kids.
Would use it to pay bills!
I would take my kids to Toronto to see the new aquarium
A new pair of shoes for a trip I am taking.
I would love to take the time to do all the tourist-y things that Toronto has to offer!
maybe for a trip to the zoo- and lunch out :D
Invest it for a raining day.
I’d use this to buy some organic coconut oil – as we’ve just run out. Not so March-breakish, I know. Maybe I’ll use the oil to make some baked treats…
Would like a KitchenAid stand mixer
I would buy low-carb groceries on-line for baking!
It would go to my grandson for his birthday
I would use it toward helping fund the trip my husband and I are taking to Florida.
I would use it to have some fun with the kids over the break.
I would use this for buying new painting supplies.
Great Contest
Some extra cash for a road trip would be great :)
for an amazing week end!!
To buy emergency lights, solar ideally.
Lillea recently posted..Gluten and Allergen Free Chocolate Chips?
We are going down to Boston for a game. This would make it an extra special trip. Maybe a trip to the aquarium.
I would use the money to pay buy myself a new bathing suit and get my husband something special :)
I’d buy a supply of Starbucks as I’ve some studying to do…but also a late romantic dinner out with my hubby as he was sick on Valentine’s day!
I haven’t gone shopping for clothes in ages! I could use some new clothes for my wardrobe
I would take my daughter to the zoo and do other activities, since so many programs are suspended over spring break.
New fishing equipment!
I’d like to buy baseball ticket.
I would use the money to treat myself with practical gifts that I need that will make my life easier.
I would use it to buy a new laptop.
Spending money in Mexico ;)
To spend some time and money in my home town, Montréal, on excursions previously deemed too expensive!
I would buy some spring activities for my kids to do
Pay off a couple of my bills.
shopping for things for our garden would be nice
I would use it to take the kids out to do some fun stuff in the city during March break :)
I would put it towards our honeymoon
I have friends visiting and staying in NYC- would love to be able to go somewhere awesome for food!!
I would use it for a road trip!
I would use it towards groceries and gas.
Paying for my daughter’s March Break camp
A clothes shopping trip with my daughter.
paying for an online course I’ve been really wanting to take
I would take my kids out to a much needed dinner and a movie
I would take my kids out to a much needed diner and a movie
I would use it for some new clothes!
I would buy a new pair of work boots and take my parents out to dinner.
I would love to visit my family in Florida
Our son will be born right around March break. There are definitely still a few things I’d like to pick up for him.
Crys Wiltshire recently posted..#WordlessWednesday with linky: Our New Ford Escape!
Would love to win some paypal cash in order to buy some new things!
Would use it toward my trip to Orlando in Oct.
I’d get the kids some spring clothes!
Steph recently posted..Ragù No-Boil Lasagna
I’d love to use it towards a new vacuum!
Sadly to pay my bills lol
I would take my nephews on a trip
We would go to Victoria B.C. for the weekend..or at least a day and a night ;)
Heading to NYC. This would be a great bonus. Fun money – love it.
Susannah recently posted..Totally Awesome Jewelry – Learning Rainbow Loom
I’d use it to get all of my garden supplies and get things growing, inside of course to start!
coriwestphal at msn dot com
I would take my kids to the waterpark in Niagara Falls
Some new clothes and sneakers for my son.
I love Petsmart too! Their prices are lower compared to others.
We need to buy a new TV as the last one no longer works.
I would use the money to buy my books for school.
I would use this money for my wedding.
I would use it to buy clothes for spring.
We will do things around Toronto that usually cost so much – like the zoo, museaum.
I am entering your contest.
It would be great to win $250 Paypal cash
I would use the money to buy a camera.
Thanks for having this contest.
I would use it towards a road trip!
This cash would be great to use on our road trip this coming March (we are driving down to visit my husband’s family)!
I would put it towards my mortgage
Towards my Thailand trip in May!!
I would use it for school costs!!!
I would use it to put food on the table!
I would use it for my college books-new quarter, new books!
I would buy clothing!
I would use this 2 gets a couple of items that I can only find online.. Jake and the Neverland Pirates Sharky and Bones toy for my son, and a packers jersey for the hubby
I’d like this for the gym
Goodness- my daughter turns 2 next week, my youngest son turns 1 in 3 weeks, and in May, my 4th baby will be here… I can think of a hundred ways to spend the money!!!
I would use it to take my little brother on a trip to Montreal! His birthday is March 1st, so it would be really timely and fun! Love this idea oodles and oodles! :)
i would purchase a lifeproof case for my iphone
shopping trip
I would use it for transportation and fees to some activities going on in my area that I can take my grandson to.
shopping while on vacation
I would use this to buy my four girls (9,7, and 3 year old twins) some summer clothes. This would help so much!