Halloween is a favourite time around our house. Â Since the boys were born I’ve loved dressing them up and taking them out to see friends and to trick or treat. Â This year, now that they are 3.5 years I know it is going to be super fun!
To get in the Halloween spirit we’ve been buying Nestle Crave Yard treats since we first saw them at the grocery store. Â Love the fun names, the packaging and the fun way they turn a product I love into a special treat for Halloween
Coffin Crisp!! Yummy
Coffin Crisp! :P
Kitkats are my absolute favorite!
Oh Coffee Crisp. :P
I’m a Scaries girl! :-)
My favourite is Coffin’ Crisp with scAero being a close 2nd
Cant go wrong with a kitkat Meow
Coffin Crisp! Muahahaha!
My favourite is the Coffin Crisp
Coffin crisp
Coffin Crisp!
kit kat
kit kat for sure!
In a big bar I love a Scareo in a small bar I love a Coffin Crisp. So clever!
Susannah recently posted..Creamy Pina Colada Guacamole Recipe – YOPA! Greek Yogurt Giveaway
Coffin Crisp!
Mine is Coffin Crisp
Kit Kat
coffin crisp
kitkat bars
my fave is coffin crisp!
I like the KitKat bars.
Do I have to pick? They are all yummy!! Especially the Kit Kats.
I love the Coffin Crisp bar!
love the Coffin Crisp bar
I love Smarties!!!
I love Kit Kats
I like coffin crips haha
kitkat…love the crunch!
Kit Kat!
I like aero the most.
Scaero is my fave.
Coffin Crisp!
I love the Scaries!
Can this ship to the US?
Toss up between kit kat and coffee crisp
love those scaries
KitKat is my fave…but I can eat any of them lol
I like the low fat muffin recipe. Will try to make some.
Coffin Crisp!
Coffin Crisp!
Coffin Crisp is my fave!
Ooooh scaero bars are my favorite
I’d like to try Scaries
I like Scaries
Mmmm Coffin Crisp!
I am entering your giveaway.
It would be great to win The Nestle Crave Yard Prize Pack.
I love chocolate.
In response to your question of What is your favourite Nestle Crave Yard bar?
My favourite is Coffin Crisp.
Thank you for having this giveaway!!!!!!!
coffin crisp. thanks.
Coffin crisp for me
I like coffin crisp
Coffin Crisp
i’m leaning towards Coffin Crisp
Aero is my favourite. My husbands too :).
Well technically that would be ScAero. :)
Coffin Crisp **drooling**
Coffin Crisp
coffin Crisp
Coffee Crisp!
I love the KitKat – so good and fun to share
scaero ! mm
I like the scaries!
I love the Coffin Crisp bar
kit kat
Scareo – yum!
Scaries!!! mmmm
kit kat ..yumm!
Aero definitely!
Ashleigh Swerdfeger recently posted..Treat Yourself Giveaway Blog Hop 2013
sorry my rafflecopter name is Enelram
coffin crisp, and that would be the one the kids wouldn’t want so its a win/win for me! LOL
Kit Kat!
I love the Coffee Crisp., I like to eat them from the top part first! lol
I love coffin crisp
My top pick is Coffin’ Crisp!
Kit Kat
it would have to be the coffin crisp.
Coffin Crisp!
Coffin Crisp! :)
Kit Kat
I have come to love Kitkat as I get a little older…
My non giveaway post is on the 10 things i miss from my life pre-kids.
My favourite Nestle Crave Yard bar is Scaries!
My favorite is Coffin Crisp!!
Stephanie LaPlante recently posted..FunDayMental Friday
scAero is my favourite!
My favourite is Kit Kat!
Coffin’ crisp!
coffin crisp
Kit Kat is my favourite!
Got to be Scaries.
Scaero – Yum!
love my kit kat
Coffin Crisp!
Coffin Crisp!!
coffin crisp
Kitkat are my favourite.
My favorite is Kit Kat, especially out of the fridge.
coffee crisp for sure
Coffin Crisp
Crystal Porter recently posted..The Phoenix and the Bug
Seriously love all chocolate,but,kit kat,is my fave
Kit Kat. Love it!
I would have said coffee crisps if you asked me a few months ago, but since then, i have fallen in love with Kitkat bars. so addicted right now
Scaries smarties – till this day still hiding the little gems *favorite blue ones*, ooops now my son knows YIKES !
My fave is Coffin Crisp!
Scaero or coffin crisp – tough choice for me cuz I love them both!
I’m a kit kat girl!!
Its definately Coffin Crisp for me!
Coffee Crisp!
Kit Kat without a doubt. :p
Kit kat for sure