Fall is setting in and the weather had been really beautiful in Ontario. Perfect for some Fall travel!
This month, Kerrie escaped to the gorgeous Ste Anne’s Spa for some regenerative travel and Gingermommy took her family to Canada’s Wonderland and our guest host, Elaine visited the Denver Puppet Theatre
This Travel meme is designed so that we can hop around, read about each other’s travels and share our love for adventure.
1. Vacations and/or Travel Tips
2. Trips to the park, ski hill, zoo, museum etc.
3. Review of a hotel or travel destination
4. Review/post about a travel related gadget/gear/clothing etc.
5. Posts about dream destinations or the places you would like to travel.
What do you need to do?
Follow the host: Kerrie @ Family Food and Travel and Co-Host Gingermommy at Tales of a Ranting Ginger and this week’s Guest Host, Elaine from Carpe Travel
Once you have posted your link, hop on over to other blogs and see what your fellow bloggers have written about.
Your blog posts will be pinned to our Travel Tuesday Board on Pinterest – hope you’ll follow along.
Mark your calendars – the next Travel Tuesday is Tuesday November 5, 2013 *now the 1st Tuesday of the Month!
Hey lady, looks gorgeous, come to New Brunswick girl
Terri recently posted..Day 1
Thank you for hosting!
Michelle recently posted..Children of the Corn [Project 365:2013 – Day 275]
coming from fb group, I don’t have a bloglovin account, so will follow you on one of these social channels. thanks for the linky and the notice
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