Are your kids as interested in vehicles as mine are?
My boys talk about trains, cars, tractors, fire trucks, ambulances and buses – if it has an engine – my boys are fascinated by it!
A few months ago we were introduced to this fantastic series from DK Books. Â The See How They Go Books are bright, colourful and full of fantastic facts about the vehicle it showcases. Â My boys love the photos, the details of how the vehicle works and the great stickers on the first page.
Looking to order your own copies? Â Check out DK Books
One lucky Family Food and Travel reader will win a set of See How They Go Books from DK Canada – contest ends May 31 – open to residents of Canada
My middle child loves tractors and my oldest loves semi trucks and garbage trucks. They both get excited for airplanes. My youngest is still a baby so no clear favorite yet.
He has always adored trains and the tall ships.
School buses are pretty popular at our house!
Tractors! Grandpa grew up on the family farm!
Firetrucks and Ambulances are a close tie… superhero vehicles are his tops
My baby girl loves school buses. she sees a ton drive by our house everyday…
Tractors are the rage right now…
my 3 year old loves buses and mail trucks, my 4 year old loves fire engines, and my 5 year old likes any vehicle that happens to be yellow :) Thanks for the chance.
My 4 year old LOVES school buses. :)
Any tractors!
My son loves tractors!
My son loves construction vehicles… dump trucks, bull dozers, cranes etc..
my son loves trains
My son loves trains at the moment he is really into Thomas the Tank Engine!
UGH…motorcycles~!! :/
My son could play with tractors for hours and hours, they are his favorite :)
Airplanes, trains, bull-nozers (smile). They don’t really know about space travel much but when they do…
Besos, Sarah
Blogger at Journeys of The Zoo
Sarah De Diego (Journeys of The Zoo) recently posted..Mother’s Day Should be Every Day or At Least Once a Month.
Our son loves our truck – F150.
My daughter loves Air planes
My son looves any truck or tractor. I think the garbage trucks are his favorite right now!
My daughter loves cars!
dumptrucks are the best
My son would adore this gift!
My daughter is obsessed with tractors! Her Papa drives a tractor on the farm and she loves watching him working with it in the gardens.
Yellow School bus!
My daughter has always loved buses.
Tractors are a favorite here at our house
Motorcycles and firetrucks get the most attention at our house!
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My little guys love all kids of vehicles but probably diggers most of all!
My youngest is into tractors, jeeps, airplanes and buses right now. Every time we drive by a bus (and we see several on our commute to daycare) – he starts to sing “the wheels on the bus” So cute!
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My boys are grown but they were into trucks a lot.
So far he likes buses the best.
My son loves trains!!
I would love to win these books for my nephews. They love things that go!
Choo Choo train
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right now she likes buses!
A train.
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My son is only 9 months but he seems to like the bobcats doing construction on our street
The trains xD!
fire trucks. thanks
These would be perfect for my son he loves trains, tractors, and buses.
My son LOVES diggers!
Ice cream truck!!
Oh my gosh, a fave?! Emergency vehicles, helicopters, motorcycles, excavators…if it goes, he loves it!
We live close to train tracks, my little one loves watching the trains go by :)
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My sons fave are Monster Trucks! But really anything that has a motor and wheels is his favorite lol.