Our journey began on Saturday morning. Â The 6 day road trip to Florida from Ontario. Â Many do this trip in just a couple of days spending long harrowing days on the road. Â But, we enjoy the journey as much as the destination. Â So, we decided to take our time. Â Enjoy the scenery and get to know at least one city on each leg of this journey.
Our end destination is Florida. Â First to visit family, then to take an 8 day cruise. Â The perfect vacation for us. Â Road Trip + Cruise + Family Vacation.
While the twins are not yet 3, they are seasoned travellers and have taken the trek in stride. Â Now, I would by lying if I didn’t admit to a more than a couple of all out temper tantrums, but they happen at home too!
We timed our travel to be between 5 and 7 hours of driving a day.  The first day, we just went to Windsor, ON.  We felt this was the best idea so that we could cross the border into the U.S. first thing.  I wish I could say this is an easy process, but since my husband is Mexican and does not have Canadian Citizenship yet, the border officials ALWAYS give us a hard time.  I wish I could say this was random, but I can tell you it definitely is not.  So, after a full car search (yes, they took every single thing out of our car), and a long line of questioning, they let us in. Â
The second night we drove to Lexington, KY. Â Home to many beautiful horse farms, and loads of lovely people. Â We got into our hotel around dinner time, the boys had something to eat, played with their trucks in the hotel room and we headed to bed.
The third and fourth nights were spent in Atlanta, Georgia (more on that in future posts) and tonight, our fifth night, we are near Gainesville, FL.
We’ve accumulated a lot of laundry, ate in a whole variety of restaurants and sang “The Wheels on the Bus” in 5 States. Â We had one horrific day of driving in very heavy rain through the mountains in Tennessee, but every other day has been clear, dry, sunny roads.
Here are a few of our photos from the road. Â A glimpse into the journey so far:
I like the journey as much as the destination too, and that aquarium looks FABULOUS!
Rosey recently posted..Guest Bloggers?
Glad to hear the road trip is going smoothly and the kids’ meltdowns are minimal.
Can’t wait to hear more about what you see and do! The aquarium is stunning. If you didn’t tell us it’s in Georgia I would have guessed Atlantis in the Bahamas!
Safe travels Kerrie!
Cheryl @ Kids On A Plane recently posted..10 Reasons to Sail on the Disney Dream
Thank you Cheryl! It’s been a great trip. Ready for our cruise now :)
Kerrie @ Family Food and Travel recently posted..J is for Joseph Boyden
Your photos of the aquarium are great! You give me great hope for extended car travel with my own kiddos! So glad to hear that all went well. xx
Wow! I would absolutely love to travel cross country like this and see so many things with my little ones. How fun! Maybe one day when one of us aren’t tied down to the 9 to 5er, we’ll be able to do get an RV and do something like this.
Great pics!
Heather recently posted..J Myster’s New Bike!
I love that you are doing a road trip with your family. We have so many great memories from ours and it isn’t always the big things either. I bet the boys loved the aquarium. Glad you got through the rain safely!
Susannah recently posted..Fresh – goes express!
I would love to take the family on a cruise as well. It is great that you can get away and spent the quality time. It sounds like you have a lot of things planned and hope everything is great.
Jillian recently posted..Lost in Translation
Hope you’re having a great time on your cruise!!
Lisa from Gone With The Family recently posted..Photo Memories from the Grand Canyon
Aquariums are always so much fun with kids.
gingermommy recently posted..Travel Anxiety and Mom Guilt