Our Standard Poodle Jackson is one well loved dog. The boys think he is the perfect playmate and he has been their protective buddy since birth. We were recently sent Iams new Shakeables Treats to try and I must say, Jackson has never loved a treat more!
Iams Shakeables in Chicken, Lamb and Turkey
They are delicious (according to Jackson, I’m not really keen on trying them), bite sized the best part – shakeable! Anytime I need Jackson’s attention, one shake of the can and he is right by my side. I wish these treats were available when we were training Jackson, they are the perfect size.
Show Your Furry Friend Your Love with a Shake
The Iams family recently launched new Iams Shakeables Soft & Chewy treats, made from real chicken, lamb, and turkey to give your dog the great taste he loves. Dogs will run to the sound of Shakeables and they’ll stay, sit and shake for these soft, meaty treats. Prepare to delight your dog’s palate with our new, healthy treats that combine fun and flavor in every savory bite.
Show your furry friend your love – with a shake and keep the following tips in mind when training your dog. Above all, it’s important not to get discouraged and remember that both a puppy and an adult dog can be trained if you invest the time to do so.
- Stay Away From Table Scraps – As much as your furry friend loves to hang around the table while you’re eating, ready to pounce on anything that may fall to floor, resist the urge to feed table scrapes. Not only is human food potentially toxic to animals, scraps also tend to be high in fat and calories and low in the vitamins and nutrients your pet needs. Treats, like New Iams Shakeables, offer wholesome ingredients full of delicious flavours your pet will love.
- Tricks For Treats – Treats can be used for training to get your pet’s attention and keep him or her focused. While training, you should use soft, chewy treats that are easy to digest and won’t take away from training time.
- Timing is Everything – While training your pet, make sure you are rewarding him or her with a treat immediately after performing the correct action. This ensures the reward is associated with the behaviour.
- Consistency is Key – Dog training is intense, so choose a day you have a good amount of free time to begin. Pretend you have left the house and stay away for several minutes. Once your dog thinks you’re gone and “violates the restricted area,” walk in and give a firm “no” or “get down.” Direct your dog to his or her bed, and praise him or her for going to it. Repeat this as many times as necessary. Eventually, most dogs will get the hint. Again, consistency is key. This training may have to be repeated periodically over several weeks or even months.
- Take Treats With You – Most pets don’t stop exhibiting good behaviour after they leave the front door. Whether you’re going on a trip, taking a walk, or playing in the park with your pet, treats make great pet travel rewards.
- Give Treats In Between Meals – Remember, treats are not a substitute for a meal and should not make up more than 10 to 20 per cent of a dog’s daily diet. To avoid filling up your pet before a meal, try giving treats in between your pet’s scheduled meal times. If you’re training with treats, cut back on meal portions after a session to avoid overeating.
For more information on New Iams Shakeables, adult and puppy training tips visit http://iams.com/dog-food/dog-treats-shakeables .
All my fur babies will love this
I’ve never seen these before, Would love to try them
My 2 little dogs…Scarlett&Ruby!
Ariel, Roxy and Sadie will all enjoy these treats!
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my dog named meesha might like these!!
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