There are women who perspire, and women who sweat, and then there is me. This current heat wave has reduced me to a puddle. A salty, gross, sticky puddle. It is neither attractive nor professional and it sure as hell isn’t sexy.
This week I have been away at a conference for work. It is a leadership training course and I feel like my sweaty self and the lack of air conditioning where we are has reduced me to non-leadership material. Sweaty, grumpy and thirsty perhaps. Leadership material not so much.
How does one put on the airs of a dignified together leader when sweat is running down your back? How do you greet someone whom you respect, admire and hope to emulate when your hands are slippery with sweat?
How does one feel pretty, confident and put together in a beautiful summer dress when it is stuck to you?
These are the questions I have been struggling with. That, and how does one sleep when it is 40C with high humidity?
My answer. Perhaps margaritas and a lovely pool to dip my feet in. Alas, laptops, binders and meetings are my reality.
To all the puddles out there. Please let me know how you attempt to appear cool, calm and collected in this heat! I certainly don’t know. I think this dog is onto something though…
Cyn says
Sending you somewhere with no air conditioning should be illegal in this heat!
BusyMomofTwins says
totally agree! I actually had to drive the 45mins home for the night to try to get some sleep. The heat exhausted me! Conference was great though.
Nicole says
Well, I can tell you, where I live we are going to have a HEAT WAVE this week. Heat wave being relative. High temps around 30 Celcius, which is, what, 80 F? So not so hot. Nighttime temps go down to 15 Celcius. That’s somewhere in the sixties F. What I’m trying to say is, I have absolutely no advice to offer. I’m always cold.
BusyMomofTwins says
Nicole, this week I would trade you. You can also put on more clothes if you are cold. It is much more socially acceptable than turning up for your professional conference naked. I was tempted to just wear my bathing suit and try to pretend I was on vacation, but I opted for business casual ;)